Questions tagged as 'html'


How do I trigger a function when I click on an input of the radio type?

I have 2 inputs of type radio . In them, I'm trying to trigger my JS method. However, clicking on the radio button , nothing is done. You do not even want to get to the JS function: function onView1(){ alert("oi"); var x = docum...
asked by 05.09.2016 / 23:07

File.CSS Only for a DIV, Is it possible?

Well, I'll probably take negative votes for this question, so I'll try to explain as much as possible, please try to understand and if you can not, please ask. Situation I have a page .html and in it, I have my file .css (...
asked by 02.04.2016 / 18:31

Call a href page by passing the input fields of the form

I have a page that has several inputs, when I click on the button I open a modal with the result and inside modal I have another button to be clicked but I need to get the form fields and move to the other page. > My detail button code looks l...
asked by 30.03.2016 / 18:12

Show Loading Image in the Middle of the Screen

I have a form and typing the zip code shows a loading gif while I load the street, the neighborhood and etc. The problem is that as the user goes down the form, the loading gif does not appear because it gets stuck at the top of the form givi...
asked by 12.01.2016 / 19:11

Create a download link for path that is in mysql

I have the following structure in the database: reuniaoId escolaId usuarioId dataReuniao tituloReuniao pathReuniao 7 14 1 2016-01-13 AEQEQ uploads/reuniao/ata_2016_2418530_2HK73386F.pdf I need to create a download page for...
asked by 26.01.2016 / 18:15

Adding Rich Snippet across multiple divs

I'm making a page that displays data for a person. At the beginning there is the name and a text, at the end there is the address, e-mail, etc. I'm using Rich Snippet , but all the examples I find about it, show the entire structure in a sin...
asked by 21.11.2015 / 17:51

Menu with vertical and horizontal balls

How can I make these two menus? I got it from the Twitter site but did not want to get their codes, how can I do it? so that I can add infinite numbers with their respective descriptions ..     
asked by 28.08.2015 / 01:10

How to prevent the iframe from being redirected to the beginning

I have an application that uses the iframe to redirect the pages without modifying the url. (I understand the consequences of doing this.) The problem is that updating the page with F5 is redirected to the source page, in the case of t...
asked by 30.09.2016 / 18:51

Retrieve the index of an array of classes with javascript

I'm trying to add a clicklist eventListener to my divs through their classes, which are: option-title . However as it is more of a title, I would like it to retrieve exactly the one I am clicking. Follow the code: var groupOptions =...
asked by 17.09.2015 / 21:48

Chamfer effect [Bevel] in PS texts in CSS

I am facing a problem that I believe to be common between Designer and Dev / frontier / webdesigner or lack of communication at creation time or lack of developer technical knowledge to apply the technique. I am producing a Layout that is...
asked by 26.10.2015 / 14:49