Questions tagged as 'html'


Error "Show More" button html

I created an area on my site where it contains a small text, and a button at the end "Show More", I put two items like this, But every time I click the "Show More" button of the second item opens the first content. What could be causing this err...
asked by 13.01.2018 / 17:36

Show 'confirm' only after loading page

I'm calling the following function inside the page: window.onload = function() { acess(); } function acess() { decision = confirm("Deseja realmente excluir o servidor cadastrado abaixo?"); if (decision) { window.location...
asked by 02.01.2018 / 17:17

How to put texts in progress

Hello, I have a progress , however I would like to add the percentage value in the center of it, with some more information. <progress name="progressbar" id="progressbar" class="progressbar" value="35" max="100"> &...
asked by 22.02.2017 / 00:12

How to close a modal only by the buttons?

The title is already high explanatory. But I'd like to know how I close a modal by just the close button and the "x" of the window, not allowing the user to click on the black background around the pop up window to close. HTML:<!--Buttontr...
asked by 10.02.2017 / 20:05

Prevent multiple submit via jQuery

I'm doing a form with validations from abide (Foundation 6) and I'm not able to prevent multiple submit's. The following happens: When the Submit button on the form is clicked the following function takes effect. $('#form-principal').submit...
asked by 08.02.2017 / 14:12

How to create a Gif with Canvas content

I would like to know how to create a gif from a canvas, on this canvas I have a sequence of scenes, after the scenes are created I wanted to read all the scenes and then save them as a .gif     
asked by 06.02.2017 / 20:03

Horizontal scrollbar table

I've set up a table with CSS, but I'm having a problem when reports are opened on a phone or tablet. The table is flattened, or data is confusing. Can you put a scrollbar horizontally, and prevent the data from flattening? Follow the table...
asked by 13.02.2017 / 17:14

how to return an error after submitting a form?

How do I return echo "Deu Erro!" ? on my page? // page-2.php <form method="post" id="formulario" action="acoes/enviar-formulario.php"> //codigo aqui </form> Within enviar-formulario.php there is an update: $...
asked by 07.10.2015 / 14:59

Move uppercase to lowercase

I have a richfaces datatable component that returns a record from the database and this record comes in all capital letters. Example: PAULO FERNANDES DA SILVA . Would there be something I could do to edit this name with CSS to Pau...
asked by 27.10.2016 / 03:45

How to put a element in Fullscreen [duplicate]

I looked for a little bit about the same in google and most people talk to use position: absolute; z-index:9999; width:100%; height:100%; top:0; left:0; But the code above only works to by in fullscreen inside the window, and that's not w...
asked by 17.01.2017 / 11:54