Questions tagged as 'html5'


Progress bar in angulajs

I need a% w / o% to be the image of a chalice being filled with progress-bar . Something like this: link . Can anybody help you? I still do not have the official image, but it would look something like this: When you open a page, th...
asked by 30.01.2017 / 18:56

JavaScript for each record in my view

I have a VIEW where I display a table with 15 records (15 rows) and 5 columns, but the very thing that matters is a column, "Actions". In it I have a button, "View", which when clicking I want to open a window with a message, for tests ....
asked by 24.01.2017 / 17:53

Open updated PDF

Well, I have a PHP system that builds a PDF. After that, I have a common html link that opens the pdf on screen normally, until then everything is ok. But if I modify the contents of the PDF, and give the command to the system to rebuild it w...
asked by 17.01.2017 / 18:51

Changing input border with Javascript

What's wrong? I need this effect to validate form. var input = document.getElementByClass("dado"); = "1px solid red";     
asked by 21.12.2016 / 18:30

Combobox editable with filter

I would like to know if there is a plugin or a tutorial teaching to create a combobox that allows, as you type in it, to filter the items, as in the image below: Note: I'm using ASP.NET MVC with C #.     
asked by 07.12.2016 / 18:24

Prevent input having text by default

How do I prevent when opening a form, the inputs are empty and do not have text by default. Basically what I want is for the inputs to be without any associated value. In this case the password is already there, but I wanted it to be always e...
asked by 08.09.2016 / 12:03

How to modify inline CSS after page load?

Good, I'm doing a query to the database, where there is a field that has html content. Inside this content there is a table, which has some inline CSS with a width defined in px. I need to change the width property of the table to 100%; Th...
asked by 27.09.2016 / 13:43

Find JQuery DatetimePicker for PT-BR

Hello, I'm trying to lacalize my datetimepicker to pt-br but I'm not getting it. I tried to do it the way they teach on the official page but I could not. The plugin is working perfectly but with this problem of being in English. Other than th...
asked by 02.08.2016 / 17:01

Error in newer versions

I have this line on the server that uses PHP and MYSQL in earlier versions than on my local machine, it works perfectly on the server, however on my machine with more current versions it does not work. Is there a problem with this line in the...
asked by 27.04.2017 / 20:29

Optimization question [closed]

Talk about people, beauty? I have a question ... I'm doing a system that contains several screens, and I'm organizing as follows, I created a single index for the main page, and in that index has all the contents of the screens, my forms...
asked by 18.10.2016 / 01:08