Questions tagged as 'google-play-services'


Change APK signing key in PlayStore

Hello, I have an app in the Google Play Store that was from another account and it was transferred to my account, because it will no longer play with it and the client asked us to work on the next version. The problem is this: when we upload the...
asked by 29.07.2018 / 03:23

Google Play Games Services does not connect

I'm trying to use Google Play Games Services, but when I call the Games.Achievements.unlock or Games.Leaderboards.submitScore I get the GoogleApiClient is not connected yet GoogleApiClient must be connected errors res...
asked by 01.09.2018 / 18:05

How to make the error handling for Google Play Services outdated avoiding application crash in android?

I'm creating an application that uses Firebase , which in turn uses Google Play Services . In my tests, when Google Play Services is outdated, it crashes the application and gives an error saying that the application has stopped. Then...
asked by 14.04.2018 / 07:04