Questions tagged as 'google-maps-android-api-2'


Crashing when 2nd activity starts

The first screen is a login, normal logon, communicates with the server and such, there goes to the second, there is a fragment of google maps, when it will go to second crash the app, the error that appears is this (senai world is the name of t...
asked by 14.09.2016 / 01:07

Address search on Google Maps for Android?

How do I search for an address in Google Maps for Android, from the location name?     
asked by 07.05.2016 / 03:42

How do I center my location when I click on a marker?

Hi! I'm developing an application that works on Google Maps API v2 and I've already set the mMap.setMyLocationEnabed(true) method to get the user's location. My question is: how do I, by clicking on this blue dot that appears, cente...
asked by 25.08.2015 / 17:02

Insert search bar Google Maps

How do I enter a search bar in Google Maps on Android? I need something similar to the image below: For this result, will I have to use Text and OverLay? Are there any examples to help you understand?     
asked by 08.04.2015 / 14:57

Swipe to the right after left gives error ANDROID

I'm creating an Android application in Eclipse with 3 screen with horizontal Swipe, on the last tab I have a Map Fragment. But it happens that when doing swipe to the right the first time everything is normal, when making a swipe to the left...
asked by 30.07.2014 / 00:41

Google Maps API Location Button (Android Studio) not displayed

I'm developing a native Android app with the Android Studio IDE, which integrates with the Google Maps API. I noticed in several videos that when activating the property setMyLocation (True) should activate the location button (Top right corn...
asked by 31.07.2017 / 18:00

Set bearing using CameraUpdate

I have two positions ( LatLong ) that you would like to center them on the map! For this, I do the following: final LatLngBounds.Builder builderZoom = new LatLngBounds.Builder(); if(null != mCurrentLocation){ buil...
asked by 17.02.2017 / 17:02

Create a marker at the current location of Maps with Fragment

Hello, I need to put a marker in my current position and show it in Google Maps, but as I'm using Fragment the setMyLocationEnabled method does not work, I already went behind the internet on several sites and I did not find the solution, so I de...
asked by 26.09.2016 / 17:40

App stopping while using the Location API

This code would be used when the user pressed a button, its latitude and longitude were found and later sent to a server. But the app crashes when it starts, remembering that I got this code from a post here in SOpt. The error you give is thi...
asked by 19.09.2016 / 20:46

Why can not I add a bookmark when I click on the map?

I'm using this code: import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import
asked by 23.01.2018 / 21:38