Questions tagged as 'google-maps-android-api-2'


Compare geopoints with user geolocation

I'm using Google Maps API v2 in Android Studio and picked up the base code as available and only implemented a few points on the map, using latitude and longitude of points (% w / w). I also added the function to locate the user on the map....
asked by 06.10.2016 / 04:12

Automatic marker zoom

I use this code to retrieve Lat and lang from a user in firebase, My question is how to automatically zoom in on the bookmark ... mDatabase.child(mPost_key).addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() { @Override publ...
asked by 20.02.2017 / 15:36

How do I create a button in the google maps API to add bookmark?

The question is as follows ... I checked one for a few days before coming here, but I just think how to manually add the bookmark to the google example: // Add a marker in Sydney and move the camera LatLng sydney = new LatLng(-34, 151); Map...
asked by 02.02.2016 / 22:55

Google Maps returning Latitude and Longitude as zero and problems when placing the Marker

I'm trying to use Google Maps, and set a location on it (pulling the user's Latitude and Longitude). It pulls and displays in a Toast, but it does not setta this in the onMapReady or Marker method, and if I put a Log in onResume (), it shows...
asked by 19.02.2018 / 15:42

Address translation in Google Maps

I'm making an app to search for addresses in Google Maps. Is there any way to convert a String to Location , so I can get the longitude and latitude? Or is there a better way?     
asked by 18.04.2014 / 18:04

Insert Multiple Markers on Maps

I found a code here on the site, I put it in my project but it did not work, does anyone know how I can solve it? The method below is called in onViewCreated() Note: I'm using the Map within a fragment, can that be? public class Maps...
asked by 23.10.2018 / 01:09

Error trying to open map with disabled location

So far, the purpose of this application is to open the user to locate some mapped points. When the app opens (location off or not), it asks if the user allows it to use its location. It goes in permissions, activates the location and, until then...
asked by 16.04.2018 / 02:38

Android Studio and Google Maps API - Change Travel Mode

Oops, guys, what's up? So I'm developing an app using Android Studio and the Google Maps API. So I came across an issue that until then I could not find anything that could solve my problem. Here's how I'm working with Routes and by default Goog...
asked by 15.12.2017 / 17:02

How to put more information in the window when clicking on a Marker?

When you open the map, in MainActivity, I display some pins on the screen (markerOptions), as shown below: WAPIService.getInstance().getPontosMapeamento(latitude, longitude, new FutureCallback<List<MapPins>>() {...
asked by 16.05.2017 / 00:30

Map does not work anymore

I'm developing an application that used the Google Maps API. It was running normally, until I upgraded Android Studio from 2.1 to 2.2, and from then on, it stopped working. What do I do to get back to using it?     
asked by 21.09.2016 / 20:47