Questions tagged as 'glob'


How to ignore test files with glob?

My project is structured like this: dist - * node_modules - * source - *.js - *.spec.js - *.test.js - *.vue - __tests__ tests - *.js - *.spec.js - *.test.js I'm trying to create a glob to just get the files vue an...
asked by 21.06.2018 / 16:31

Using glob in Python

I'm setting up a client that will play the files found in a folder to a WebService SOAP This WebService has two methods that we will call MET1 and MET2 . When the files found end in .XML and start with LCL, then I run MET1 When the f...
asked by 03.04.2017 / 16:52

Array and Glob Doubts

I want to get 2 foreach entries and delete one based on another, for example. In a foreach I have the value "stackoverflow" and in the other I also have the same, and then one overrides the other and then the 2 do not appear in echo. What am...
asked by 02.09.2017 / 20:52