I want to get 2 foreach entries and delete one based on another, for example.
In a foreach I have the value "stackoverflow" and in the other I also have the same, and then one overrides the other and then the 2 do not appear in echo. What am I doing?
$filee2 = array();
glob("C:/Users/raphael/Downloads/Videos/Lives Baixadas/Converter/*/*.mp4") as $filee) {
$filee2 = array($filee => $filee);
foreach (glob("C:/Users/raphael/Downloads/Videos/Lives Baixadas/Converter/*.ts") as $filename) {
$file1 = str_replace('.mp4','',$filee2);
$file2 = explode("/", $file1);
$file3 = str_replace('.ts','',$filename);
$file4 = explode("/", $file3);
if( $file4[7] == $file2[8] ){
<li><form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<?=str_replace('C:/Users/raphael/Downloads/Videos/Lives Baixadas/Converter/', '', $filename)." - Tamanho: " . formatSizeUnits(filesize($filename))?>
<input type="hidden" name="converternome" value="<?=str_replace('C:/Users/raphael/Downloads/Videos/Lives Baixadas/Converter/', '', $filename)?>">
<input type="submit" name="converter" value="converter">
</form><br /></li>
}//Fim do if
}//Fim do foreach filename