I'm in a project and I can change Branch (Checkout), fetch, merge, but pull can not fetch, returns the message
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 502
I ran several tests and nothing.
I am learning to version and following a step by step in Stack OverFlow almost worked, but an error occurs that I can not fix.
I'm using the terminal inside Android Studio
I followed all the steps to load my local repository into GitLab...
I'm doing git push -f origin "branch name" and it does not go at all to the remote repository. Since no error appears, I have also changed some config of buffers, what do I do to solve?
Counting objects: 267, done.
Delta compression using up t...
I'm trying to clone a repository I've created in GitLab on my machine, but the following error is returned to me:
I used the GitHub login to log in to GitLab and create the repository there. When I try to CLONE, I use GitHub's user auth...