Questions tagged as 'fullcalendar'


Full Calendar does not respect end date

I created a calendar using Full Calendar, it displays the events, but does not respect the end date, always ends the event the day before, but only on the display. I do not know if this duration field is being respected, but should respect the...
asked by 06.04.2017 / 18:51

Background color on calendar-specific days and times

I have this calendar as shown in the image: HeintendedthateveryTuesdayfrom2:30p.m.to5:30p.m.andThursdaysfrom10:30p.m.to12:00p.m.wouldappeartohaveadifferentbackgroundcolorcomparedtotherestofthedays.Thisisthecalendarcode:<script>$(document)...
asked by 10.09.2018 / 11:49

Capturing the hours in the fullCalendar library

Good morning! I'm working with the fullCalendar library, and would like help in capturing the hours when I clicked on a particular range. I'm getting the good date, the problem is only with the hours. dayClick: function(start, end, allDa...
asked by 29.11.2016 / 13:18

Disable weekend and enable days with Fullcalendar plugin Jquery

I'm using the fullcalendar.js plugin How would you like to leave the weekends disabled and also leave enabled only 15 days counting today's date? I have this code with the fullcalendar.js plugin JS $(document).ready(function() {...
asked by 05.10.2018 / 05:32

Button to delete events FullCalendar - Celke

In the code below, when I click on "Delete event" it gives an error that you need to select event (event ID). Codewhereeventsareloaded:eventClick:function(event){$('#visualizar#id').text(;$('#visualizar#id').val(;$('#visual...
asked by 11.04.2018 / 14:44

Customize the FullCalendar button

I'm trying to customize the fullcalendar button, but I can not. I'm using Bootstrap. The CSS code for fullcalendar, I placed after the Bootstrap CSS and before the tag. See the code below: CSS .fc-right button{ text-transform: upper...
asked by 06.02.2018 / 21:01

Full calendar is passing the site footer

Insert the code here As shown in the image below, fullcalendar when clicking "more" passes my footer when in fact it should push it down by increasing the height of the page, as with all other screens. What css element could you use to fix this...
asked by 29.08.2015 / 02:58

Add url json event in fullcalendar

I'm using fullcalendar, nodejs, and mongoose. I have already been able to generate the json file. But by passing the path in fullscalendar js, I can not retrieve events. I created a test file in json and called it as follows: script(type='...
asked by 12.06.2015 / 16:06

FullCalendar is only searching for a range in JSON

What happens is that the calendar is not fetching all the events from the database, it searches only what I'm looking at, it can be the month, week or day, then when I click the NEXT / PREV buttons on the calendar it search the data in mysql aga...
asked by 13.11.2018 / 18:56

Add fields in FullCalendar

Good evening! I'm looking to develop a task manager for office workers. I saw some videos about FullCalendar and saw that in the standard it accepts the following fields: ID, Title, Start, End and Color. I would like, besides these events, to be...
asked by 21.11.2018 / 22:51