Questions tagged as 'firebase'


How do I change an HTTPS certificate without impacting on old users

I own a site that was hosted on the firebase, with the option for HTTPS enabled. One day, I decided to host it on a reseller of mine, with a let's encrypt certificate issued to that domain. In the new devices, there was no strange behavior, b...
asked by 12.02.2018 / 15:20

Error reference Firebase

I'm developing an application in Android Studio and using Firebase as a bank, but after finalizing the project structure when I went to test it it has an Android Strudio reference error with Firebase. I can not solve the problem, can anyone figu...
asked by 16.01.2017 / 22:18

React Native application using Firebase

Hello, I'm creating an application using React Native, and trying to integrate with Firebase, I found a starter project application, which already has the integration ready, only needing to add google-services.json to the root directory of...
asked by 26.06.2018 / 03:19

Pass values from FirebaseRecyclerAdapter

How do I pass an object when I click on a recycler view item and am using a FirebaseRecyclerAdapter ? The way I'm doing is working, I create a list, and in the populateViewHolder method I add the object I want to pass in a list,...
asked by 06.06.2017 / 05:29

Put an IF inside the HTML text with ionic / firebase

So I have a problem with my code, I would like to do an if within my html code from ionic, something like: <ion-item class="camposSelect" *ngFor="let person of profiles" > <ion-label color="primary">Dia: </ion-label>...
asked by 05.12.2018 / 22:54

RecyclerView scroll position with Firebase

I'm listing Firebase data in a RecyclerView , but when adding data or removing, the data repeats in the list. I used clear(); or lista.removeAll(lista); to clear before filling only that the list is updated and returns the s...
asked by 11.12.2017 / 22:27

How does the firebase for sending notifications work?

This question does not have to be with codes, but to understand the operation of the firebase. I want to set up a system that notifies the user to an Android app through a PHP web service. From what I researched, the easiest way is to use fir...
asked by 07.12.2017 / 01:44

App stop working after push notification with firebase on ionic 3

I'm trying to make a push notification using cloudSettings with firebase, however when I send a message the app stops working and the following message appears: app.module.ts:constcloudSettings:CloudSettings={'core':{'app_id':'...
asked by 05.09.2017 / 23:25

How to install / run a signed app in order to see the error log?

I'm developing an app and testo direct on the mobile (LGE API Level 16). When testing, perform normal. But when I generated a signed apk, and I try to install that apk on the same phone it just says: Application not installed. This happene...
asked by 18.06.2017 / 22:16

Why does not the data appear on the screen using firebase and angular?

Good afternoon guys, Something that should be simple and I can not. I am querying my database in firebase, where it has 2 records saved. I do the search and appear returns the data in the console, using console.log (), BUT, I can not display thi...
asked by 24.11.2016 / 18:23