Questions tagged as 'firebase'


Pick product prices in an array, add them and display the sum total in a TextView

Hello, guys, so I'm having a hard time solving a problem here, I'm using a MultiAutoCompleteTextView to get products and their prices in the app's Firebase database, I can already display all the products inside the autocomplete, however, I I wou...
asked by 16.01.2018 / 05:24

How do I limit Firebase Storage downloads to a certain maximum amount per time period per user?

I would like to know how I can limit the download demand in my application, 20 per hour ... I use firebase, no login, the only way I recognize a user and with id de anúncio do google the application only works with internet connection....
asked by 28.11.2017 / 00:14

How to add Firebase data to a RecycleView and show on the Android screen with Kotlin?

How to bring this list from fire to the screen of cel? val store = Shop("Fique Linda", "Temos o melhor!", R.drawable.storefiquelinda) val dataBase = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance() val myRef = dataBase.getReference("mensagens") myRef.child("...
asked by 24.10.2017 / 12:30

Create new node in Firebase

I'm developing an application for chat rooms on Android using Firebase. The current structure is as follows (being Siege, Beauty etc rooms): Sofar,userdataisbeingstoredwithFirebasedefault,;,butnowIneedtos...
asked by 13.09.2017 / 16:44

COUNT on firebase

Hello, Is it possible to do COUNT (record count) in the firebae database? Because I would like to return in my app the total number of occurrences created (TODAS of all users) and total per user, but, I do not know how to do count in the fire...
asked by 14.10.2017 / 15:45

How to make an authenticated user see the posts of another authenticated user?

When I get the reference from the node in the database and I use the child to return the current user's data, it works cool, but I do not know how to implement the feedback of other authenticated users in the app. postagemRef = database.getRefe...
asked by 23.07.2017 / 03:47

Convert a JSON String to an Array of the JAVA Object

Hello, I can not do the conversion, my string is coming like this. { "empresa1": { "category_id" : "Item 1", "id" : 1, "imagePath" : "imagem", "name" : "empresa 1", "short_desc" : "desc da empresa 1" }, "empresa2":...
asked by 22.08.2017 / 21:22

How do I get Firebase notifications received in the background?

I installed the notification service in my app, it works, it even receives notification in the background, but I wanted to save the notification message, I researched a bit and created a service (code below) works, but only when the app is open...
asked by 02.07.2017 / 18:15

ListView inside a TabView with Firebase data

I'm trying to input data from the firebase into a listView that is already inside a TabView, but when I try to load the data from the firebase nothing comes. I started the ListView within the onCreateView method, like this: Firebase dref;...
asked by 14.06.2017 / 06:43

Summing up with a child's value from firebase?

Hello , I would like to get a child value in firebase , add number and update child strong> with the result of the sum. Code in OnCreate () uDataBase = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("Bilhetes").child("total")...
asked by 14.04.2017 / 05:08