Questions tagged as 'ejb'


How do I configure the timeout of a function call from an EJB?

At the end of a service my project has a function that takes an EJB from another project that is installed on the same server, and access one of its functions. My function that takes the EJB and accesses the function: [...] ServiceImplRemo...
asked by 26.09.2018 / 16:10

Email with JavaMail copy

I have a system that sends email, it works normally, I want to insert a field to send copy of the email, a CC or CCo. here's a snippet of my code below. Entity private String destino; private String titulo; private String mensagem; M...
asked by 16.05.2017 / 13:07

Problems in project reconfiguration

When I start wildfly I get the following error: 13:56:39,872 ERROR [] (MSC service thread 1-8) MSC000001: Failed to start service jboss.deployment.unit."pokemax.war".INSTALL: org.jboss.msc.service.StartExceptio...
asked by 29.12.2016 / 17:04

What is the endpoint interface in EJB? [duplicate]

I'm studying EJB (Enterprise Java Beans) and would like to know, within the context of distributed applications, what the role of the endpoint interface is. What is the endpoint interface? Where and when should the interface be used?
asked by 14.12.2015 / 20:20

Error org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException

Error when the class handling is filled with the data in the database, if there is no record, I can access my xhtml normally. In the class account I correct with fetch = FetchType.EAGER, but in the class handling this error persists, See the rel...
asked by 03.12.2015 / 20:06

How to add a new Runnable to an ExecutorService?

This is the first time I work with threads ...    The method below runs every 15 seconds by EJB.    I would like if in case there is an SMS list in the database it would add to a new SMS trigger thread But you are returning the following erro...
asked by 15.10.2014 / 15:44

@Schedule stopping at JBOSS terminal

I have a Jboss EAP server running through shell on Windows 10 with the command .\standalone.bat -b . On this server I run an application that runs @Schedule at 14:25 . The system runs normally, and apparent...
asked by 19.12.2018 / 19:00

"Lookup failed" error when using a Glassfish Custom Resource

I am using Glassfish Custom Resource to write a property: Then,I'mtryingtogetthisvaluelikethis:newInitialContext().lookup("javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE") but I get the following exception : Grave: javax.naming.NamingException: Looku...
asked by 19.03.2014 / 21:42

EJB and methods within the same class

I'm studying EJB and I had two questions regarding the type of transaction: The% w / w of the following code has metodo1 , will TransactionAttributeType also assume the same behavior as metodo2 since it is being called w...
asked by 07.11.2018 / 14:41

@Stateless in CDI project

Person, I have the following structure in my project (CDI): BEAN: @Named @SessionScoped public class ClienteMB extends BaseAbstractMB<Cliente, ClienteDTO> implements Serializable { @Inject private ClienteService clienteServic...
asked by 06.11.2018 / 11:05