I have a Jboss EAP server running through shell
on Windows 10 with the command .\standalone.bat -b
On this server I run an application that runs @Schedule at 14:25 .
The system runs normally, and apparently everything works normally.
The problem is that the terminal is "locked" and does not execute the schedule until I go to the terminal and press enter.
How to solve this?
Class excerpt with Schedule:
public class SendSms {
private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(SendSms.class);
// @Schedule(second = "30", minute = "*", hour = "*", persistent = false)
// @Schedule(second = "*/5", minute = "*", hour = "*", persistent = false)
@Schedule(dayOfWeek = "Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat", hour = "14", minute = "25")
public void atSchedule() throws InterruptedException, JsonProcessingException {