Questions tagged as 'edittext'


Error printing data in edittext

I'm stuck with a problem, I have to receive values in three radiogroups to do the calculation of plus 3 edittext along with the result of a method, the method works perfectly but the final calculation of all added items is not printed in edittex...
asked by 06.11.2016 / 23:14

Make a condition to apply mascara to an EditText

I can not make a condition to apply mascara to an editText does anyone help me please? final EditText tel = (EditText) findViewById(; // Armazene seus TextWatcher para posterior uso //telMask = Mask.insert("(##)#...
asked by 15.03.2016 / 16:27

Random search in the listview via editext on android?

Hello, I'm very new to programming, I'm really enthusiastic, I'm just looking for a type that editext looks for the letter or word in the text so that, for example, if my string is written "Mr. Jose Ventura "and I type only" Ventura...
asked by 10.08.2015 / 23:51

How to pass data from an SQLite table to several EditText fields

How do I get the data from a table and display it in a EditText ? I'm developing on Android. Here I make List of the data that I need: public List<ConfiguracoesSistema> listarConfiguracoes() { // List que recebe os da...
asked by 10.04.2014 / 20:02

How to create a standard typing format on an Android Studio form?

Type: abc @ def Must have an (@) in the middle of the seven characters entered.     
asked by 27.01.2017 / 03:22

Problems receiving money as input in edittext

I'm building an app in Android Studio that gets a value entered in a edittext , passes it to BigDecimal , and performs some operations. In the field to enter this value, I marked android:inputType="numberDecimal" , however,...
asked by 04.07.2018 / 12:30

add a listener in editText [duplicate]

As I do to make an action to be executed, every time the user type some letter in the editText, I searched but did not find what I wanted, if anyone knows at least one hint how to search already help     
asked by 30.03.2017 / 17:18

How to read and display data in Android Studio?

How to read data entered by the user in an EditText and display in a new activity in Android Studio? I've tried it in some ways, but displaying it in the other activity only displays "false".     
asked by 28.05.2018 / 20:37