Questions tagged as 'edittext'


How do I create an event the moment someone types something in EditText? [closed]

I would like to create an event as the user is typing a word in my EditText , but I do not know how to access it.     
asked by 02.01.2017 / 23:45

How to consider an empty EditText as "0"

I'm developing an Android app that calculates 3x3 arrays so I have 18 EditText , however if I want to multiply an array 2x3, 2x2, 1x2, etc. I would have to fill the fields the size of the array and leave the other fields with 0 and this w...
asked by 28.09.2015 / 14:39

Allow only upper case letters in EditText

I know I can make the EditText screen always rotated, now I want to know if you can only allow capital letters at the moment the user types something.     
asked by 30.10.2017 / 00:37

Error in the monetary mask, saved with the correct digits but at the time of display are missing 2 digits

asked by 09.01.2016 / 16:53

How to change the color of the edittext line programmatically

I need to change the color of the EditText line programmatically, how do I? I tried to set an xml in the drawable folder, but it does not change the line color anyway ...     
asked by 11.11.2015 / 18:24

How to replace the space character with another?

The title of the question is to understand that it is simple I ask fool, but I would not like to know how to replace the spaces of a EditText with something else, as in the image below: In the case of the image the spaces are replaced...
asked by 11.02.2018 / 02:30

EditText getting Null as value, even if it is passing a String with value in it

I am performing the query in MySQL and checking, IF MYSQL =! null, populate some fields of type EditText. However, it is not possible because it is giving error that I am passing a value null. As you can see below in my code, in my class prod...
asked by 05.06.2016 / 05:53

Change the color of edittext and selection in edittext

I'm using an AutoCompleteTextView and an EditText, for email and password, respectively. Is it possible to change their color? The following image is below: Change the selection color and the color on the screen: XML:'<
asked by 08.06.2016 / 16:56

How can I change the color of the EditText selection and pointer?

I want to change the color of the seleção of the text in a EditText and also change the color of the bolinha (the name is pointer if I am not mistaken) by java. It has to be equal to the image that follows only with anoth...
asked by 14.10.2017 / 23:10

How to prevent the user from typing in EditText, but allow clicking on it to open a DatePicker?

I have an EditText that when clicking it opens a DatePicker, how do I prevent the user from typing in EditText? I tried to use edtData.setEnable (false) but when clicking on editText nothing happens.     
asked by 15.10.2017 / 00:46