Questions tagged as 'docker'


Error uploading mysql container (with volume)

Good Night. I'm learning docker and I can not upload a MySQL container when I add a volume mapping . Follow the errors and the docker-compose.yml file below. I'm using the docker toolbox in windows 10. mysql_teste | 2018-01-21 22:37:02 7ff00...
asked by 21.01.2018 / 23:40

How to generate a file inside the container that has the same permissions as my local user?

Whenever I generate a file inside the php container, this file is root, I always need to give chmod -R 777 to be able to edit and this is very annoying, for example, my user is rafaelconceicao and inside the container the permissions are for roo...
asked by 16.01.2018 / 21:43

Install Laravel with Laradock

I just installed docker and consequently laradock, how do I install laravel now? since the composer command does not work     
asked by 15.01.2018 / 15:25

I can not overwrite a variable in docker. How to solve?

I have this following dockerfile: ... ENV REMOTE_HOST abcd RUN figlet SETTING__XDEBUG__php.ini RUN { \ echo '[xdebug]'; \ echo 'zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/'; \ echo...
asked by 01.12.2017 / 19:52

Access docker's built-in php server on Host

Well, I've been studying docker here and along with that I want to create a php server (by its built-in server) and then access that server from my HOST machine. I ran the following command: docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v "D:\git\slim-saa:/...
asked by 26.11.2017 / 01:00

Host does not find docker ip. How to solve?

The host is a MAC OS with Docker installed and with a container with php and xdebug configured. I try to start a debug session in IntelliJ but it is not working. My hypothesis is that since the host does not find the Docker container, the...
asked by 22.11.2017 / 22:40

Apache Container + Nodejs, how to create?

Upload a container with Apache + PHP , but I need to use Laravel-mix strong> and nodejs . Everything works ok, however, at a given time I've seen that the container has restarted, can this relate to my approach to all together as below?...
asked by 07.10.2017 / 22:53

How to enable all virtual hosts in a Docker container

Considering the files below, how can I in the build activate all virtual hosts (present on volume: ./Apache/)? docker-compose.yaml: version: "3.3" services: mysql: container_name: mysql image: mysql:5.7 environment: MYSQ...
asked by 23.09.2017 / 19:49

How to back up a custom image?

When backing up a custom image, which is based on another image. Does Docker handle this dependency, ie export both?     
asked by 11.10.2017 / 16:40

Container docker no starta "no space left on device"

I'm facing the problem with docker I had a container that was running when it hit the 10G, and without knowing it I'd stop in it and now it does not start. # docker start ambient-dev Error response from daemon: invalid header field value "oci...
asked by 29.08.2017 / 14:43