Questions tagged as 'docker'


How to effectively and efficiently integrate Travis-ci with Docker Hub?

I'm creating some Dockerfile + configuration files for my images, I'm currently pushing for GitHub, then Travis-ci picks up the files and generates a build, finishing pushing the Docker Hub. In this approach I have to enter Docker Hub user an...
asked by 28.03.2018 / 05:00

Error changing password (MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD) in MySQL docker.compose.yml file

I recently had to change the administrator password for my database (I currently use MySQL), I changed the password 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' but it did not reflect changes in my container. I have already tried to delete, build and try a forced refr...
asked by 16.03.2018 / 14:15

Is it possible to send an application defined in docker-compose.yml to Heroku?

Well, I have an application running in the docker environment, however I use docker-composer.yml and not Dockerfile to define services, etc. Is it possible to send an app only if it is mounted in Dockerfile? I follow all the steps in the Heroku...
asked by 22.02.2018 / 22:16

Connection refused (Zabbix - Docker)

Hello, guys, I need a little help, I have an environment that is being monitored by Zabbix which is installed via Docker, I can monitor all servers in the network, except the machine where Docker is installed, in> zabbix_agent are correct, also...
asked by 20.02.2018 / 21:58

Always include arguments when running docker-compose run

I have a question about passing arguments in docker-compose run: I'm using a Dockerfile that has the following entrypoint: ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/wp" ] CMD [ "--allow-root", "--help" ] I need to --allow-root be ALWAYS included. I...
asked by 01.03.2018 / 18:17

Docker Hub + Travis-ci: how to generate an automatic description?

I've been battling for 9 hours now to be able to seamlessly integrate Github > Travis-ci and Docker hub . So I've already managed to achieve the following goal: I apply a push to Github, at this point Travis-ci "captures the code" and st...
asked by 21.01.2018 / 08:09

Where is php.ini being loaded on this instance of Docker?

I'm running an instance that comes from this Dockerfile . Here I have part of my phpinfo: AswecanseeConfigurationFile(php.ini)Pathispointingto/usr/local/etc/php.Thisvaluewaspassedinline31ofDockerfileENVPHP_INI_DIR/usr/local/etc/php.Butin...
asked by 14.11.2017 / 16:11

How to run a docker container with private ownership?

When using in version 1.14.2 and listing all the containers you can see the ownership column. Through the portainer interface it is possible to modify to private and change access control for administrators or restricted to some spe...
asked by 27.09.2017 / 18:56

How do I access the var / www / root directory of a docker container through the host browser?

I'm starting in docker. I created an image with the following command docker run -ti -p 80:80 my-image This image is a ubuntu: 14.04 where I installed apache and php5. I checked the root /var/www and the index page is there and ph...
asked by 14.09.2017 / 21:48

How to make HTTP access available to my apache web service on Linux [pending]

For a simple programmer we are accustomed to creating web servers and working on localhost, my big question is, and at the time of leaving that server online? Nowadays we have cloud but I would like to know when I have my local server the w...
asked by 19.09.2017 / 21:33