Questions tagged as 'django-2.0'


Template image does not upload

Hello, I'm developing an app that requires the user to upload their profile image, but the 'upload_to' mechanism of the CustomUser ft field is apparently not working. The image simply does not go to the intended folder, nor does it create the fo...
asked by 14.09.2018 / 21:39

Detect distinction between the model chosen by the user to register

Hello, I have created some models for user registration in django 2.0 and now I need to know which one the user has chosen to register. As you can see I have the personal model (CustomUserN), legal entity (CustomCompany) and the admin model (Cus...
asked by 29.08.2018 / 19:58

Matching query does not exist

I'm having a difficulty with a project I'm developing in django 2.0 and python3, it's this: I set up my models a get_absolute_rls passing reverse until all ok, and in my template everything works DoesNotExist at /cat...
asked by 11.04.2018 / 13:42