Questions tagged as 'django-2.0'


Is Django 2.0 stable for use in production?

I wonder if I can migrate to Django 2.0 and use this production version without worrying about absurd bugs. I'm going to have to update some libs and find solutions for the outdated ones (even quiet).     
asked by 12.03.2018 / 16:07

ERROR - DJANGO 2.0.9 - TypeError: create_superuser () missing 1 required positional argument: 'email'

Can you help me with the following problem, I'm new to Django: So, I'm doing a course on the internet to set up a distance learning platform to learn about Django. I'm using the Django 2.0.9 version, I'm having trouble creating the super user...
asked by 15.10.2018 / 01:54

requests.exceptions.SSLError: certificate verify failed

I'm having a big problem with Django requests. In the last few months I've upgraded to Django 2.0, and I'm updating all the libs. I noticed that this impacted on a number of scripts I had, mostly those that talk to https. For example, my Push...
asked by 30.05.2018 / 17:51

Date validation consisting of three integers in Django

In my application I am getting the day, month and year from the user, the three fields are part of a form and are IntegerField . I do not want to use DateField because the user has the options to inform: Year; Year and month...
asked by 22.11.2018 / 11:38

Error: Deploy Python Heroku - runtime (python-3.4.0) is not available

Pesoal, all good. Can anyone help me solve the following problem: I'm doing an application in Django and now I'm in the process of doing the upload to the server. I'll send it to Heroku. I made the following commands: Creating git re...
asked by 18.11.2018 / 21:01

ValueError: Can not assign "'1'": "User.campus" must be a "Campus" instance. Error in Super User registration in Django

I'm developing an application where the user needs to be on a campus. However, when the superuser is created on the terminal, an instance error occurs. Note: The database is correctly pre-populated to search for 'campus_id'. Django 2.0.4 a...
asked by 05.01.2019 / 01:20

Django 2.0.9 - docker-compose up - creation of super user

Good morning. Can anyone help me with the following problem: I'm creating a docker-compose from a Django application . I need to create a super user at the moment of the command: $ docker-compose up However, I'm not getting it, here...
asked by 03.12.2018 / 22:13

Django 2.0.9 - Dock application - Difficulty in completing the process

Good afternoon, guys. I'm doing a job at the University. Basically it is an application in Django version 2.0.9. However, the teacher asked us to perform the following procedure to deploy the application to a university server: "In the las...
asked by 02.12.2018 / 17:57

Django 2.0.9 - MultiSelectFormField - Parameter to make non-mandatory

I want to make the MultiSelectField field not mandatory. When I do not choose any of the options the validation is accusing Required field . I've tried using the parameters blank = True and null = True, but still continue to accuse the field...
asked by 12.11.2018 / 17:07

Checkboxes in Django 2.0

Hello, I recently managed to implement checkboxes for my model through the MultiSelectField library, but rendering them in the template leaves them all in a column exceeding the size of even page and rendering an input text field next to...
asked by 24.10.2018 / 19:51