Questions tagged as 'desempenho'


More efficient way to use "expression" in improved "for" cycles

In the following ways, which one is the most efficient? ... //assumindo que o método pegaListaPessoas() pesquisa na base de dados todos as pessoas for (Pessoa pAux : pegaListaPessoas()) { //executo alguma coisa } or: ... //assumindo q...
asked by 09.09.2014 / 10:59

Is it possible to use MySQL with Entity Framework 6 and get good performance of CRUD? [closed]

Is it feasible to use MySQL with Entity Framework 6 and get good performance from CRUD?     
asked by 13.04.2015 / 23:29

What is the fastest way? [closed]

I made a game in Java and the data of the players are in the database, when a player enters, it is placed in a ArrayList<PlayerData> where it contains the getters and setters
asked by 25.08.2018 / 23:19

Doubt about alternative to decrease code size and make fewer queries

I have a question concerning a certain part of a system that I am developing. The system is for management of a higher education institution and has a page that is to manage the courses of the institution and I put some filters via select with a...
asked by 15.07.2017 / 16:04

Performance difference between C and MatLab

Friends, I have created two apparently identical cryptographic codes, one in C language and the other in MatLab, the code in MatLab has more functions, that is, it is more extensive and performs more functions than the C code. I am using the...
asked by 29.06.2017 / 20:44

Where to insert JS and CSS files into HTML? [duplicate]

Thinking about performance, in which part of HTML should I insert CSS and JS files. I know that JS files should be inserted before closing the </body> tag so as not to block loading and if possible assíncrona , but what abou...
asked by 07.08.2017 / 22:15

Use Mathematical tricks, can you speed up accounts in Python? [closed]

An example code about my doubt. %timeit lambda : 10000000000000000*10000000000000000 40.4 ns ± 0.592 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each) %timeit lambda : "10000000000000000"+"10000000000000000"[1:] 40.6 ns ± 0.0841...
asked by 26.12.2018 / 17:14

What is worse about a 'where' or 'join'? Which is more expensive?

What is worse than where or join ? Which is more costly?     
asked by 15.04.2016 / 13:58