To make a locate of a dataset connected to the bank, it is certainly quite costly. But is it a good practice to make a locate in a dataset with data only in memory ? Or would it be better to create a array ?...
With MessageDialog , I would like to create components (buttons) at runtime and set the size and text of the buttons of this MessageDialog .
In addition, I need to display some forms according to the button that is chosen in thi...
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Good morning, I developed a Multi-Device application for Android and IOS, but I have a problem compiling my application in the Application Store mode to distribute in google play.
Some features that work perfectly in D...
I have an INI file which a session has multiple properties:
In the example above there are 3 properties.
Is there a method in Delphi to identify how many properties the [DLLS] session has?
Well I'm reading the following information from a txt
After reading I am separating the contents using the delimiters "|" to separate in memos, with the code below.
I'm doing a system where I need to search for the product name. Below the edit appears a grid for auto complete, then when I press Enter in the product name, the grid must appear in the TImage image, which I recorded the path in time of the...
I'm developing a three-tiered application in the delphi-7 , using the TSockecConnection component.
Is it possible to monitor connections, identify IP of connected users, as well as knock down some users?
Is there any way to hide subitems and their data from a listview ?
I tried to start the code with something like this:
for I := 0 to Form1.LV1.Items.Count-1 do
if Form1.LV1.Items[I].SubItems[5] = 'OK' then...
I was able to store images in my bank, the problem now is just to try to make the images only enter the bank up to a certain size, assuming: 800kb. How to proceed?
Follow the code:
Botão Gravar:
procedure TfrmFoto.SpeedButton1Click(Sender:...
Follow the code:
procedure TfrmGrid.btnLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
txt: TextFile;
l, treg : integer;
lTemp: String;
treg := 1;
l:= 0;
AssignFile(txt, lbCaminho.Caption);
while not eof(txt) do