Whenever we work on Datamodule on the connection component, we enable it to do tests and the like. It turns out that if we forget to deactivate when compiled, it can give an error when we send to the client due to IP or user and password...
I managed to make a Thread that plays the song, but only for 1 time.
If I put a loop in it I have several errors, like the 1400.
It seems that the thread does not close when Form1 is closed, because the problem always happens when I try to c...
I'm using SQLConnection, SQLDataSet, ClientDataSet, DataSetProvider, ClientDataSet and DataSource .
I need to display the data in dbgrid , but I'm not sure how to do this.
No FormCreate should I open the connectio...
Using the UniDAC components for Delphi XE5, I encountered an error in assigning dynamic values to the TUniConnection component, responsible for connecting to the database.
The error message appears after the line Connected: = True;
dm = Da...
Would you like to delete one or more rows from a particular DBGrid without deleting the database record?
I was trying something like this but it did not work out.
while not DataModuleGeral2.qryAudienciasInicial.Eof do
if (DM.qryAu...
I have the following way, to make edits invisible.
edt_raster5.visible := false;
edt_raster6.visible := false;
edt_raster7.visible := false;
edt_raster8.visible := false;
edt_raster9.visible := false;
Is there a way to use a loop to make it...
What would be the following situation using if ternary ?
if StrToInt(Edit1.Text) < 30 then
Edit2.Text := '30'
else if StrToInt(Edit1.Text) in [30..50] then
Edit2.Text := '40'
Edit2.Text := '50'
I have a txt file where the data is saved as follows:
00: 46: 30 @ 21/08/2014 @ Carlos dos Santos @ São Paulo
In PHP I would use explode to transform each data before the "@" into columns.
How do I do this in delphi? I need...
Good afternoon!
I have an error compiling my project in Delhphi 7, when compiling it it gives me the following Fatal error
[Fatal Error] AUTOINSTALADOR.dpr (6): Unit DirectShow9 was compiled with a different version of DirectDraw.IDirectDraw...