Questions tagged as 'criptografia'


Problem trying to encrypt and decrypt using RSA

Hello, I'm doing a program that encrypts a user-generated file and then decrypts the encrypted file showing the original message. It's like the RSA implementation code of Bouncing Castle but saving the files. I'm just not able to pass encry...
asked by 11.11.2018 / 23:05

Migrate PHP function from mcrypt to Openssl

I have a PHP function that uses mcrypt. The problem is that PHP 7.2 does not accept mcrypt anymore ... Does anyone know how to redo it so as to get the same result using Openssl? function Encript($Val, $chave){ $cifrado = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_...
asked by 30.07.2018 / 23:35

How does the DES algorithm work?

I'm in doubt about how Data Encryption Standard works, could anyone explain it in a didactic way?     
asked by 21.09.2017 / 06:31

Client / Server / File / Blurry Encryption

Hello, I'm creating a Java Game using LibGdx, but I want to know a few things. What is the best encryption for Client / Server communication (for anyone to intercept the packet I am sending) What is the best encryption for Files (For a...
asked by 23.03.2017 / 21:44

Decrypt a code (so I understand it is in ASCII)

Well, basically I would like to know if there is any way to transform a script written in ASCII into Characters and if so, how would I transform it? Code (1) local code = '7 minimize = true -- minimizar a mainbp? bps = 1 -- quantidade d...
asked by 19.07.2016 / 19:04

Place fixed cryptographic key

The code below is working perfectly for both encryption and decryption, however, when I close the app and put the generated code before it closes it (I open the cryptographic app one word and I close the app and when I go back to decipher the me...
asked by 24.02.2016 / 15:37

Decryption problem

I have a session in MySQL with PHP of a somewhat advanced encryption in PHP using Sha512 , I'm having trouble reverting it to decrypt the data.  function gen_token($pass, $salt) { $salt = strtolower($salt); $str = hash("sha512", $pass.$...
asked by 22.06.2014 / 02:35

Convert Encryption with public key JAVA to C #

I need to send an encrypted hash in C # but the API only gives me this possibility in java, how can I follow this logic and apply in C #? try { try { cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/None/PKCS1Padding", "SC"); } cat...
asked by 14.06.2018 / 16:48

Defining characters to be used in creating a salt

I need to generate a salt, but I need all the characters to be part of a list of numbers and letters. string usedChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; I generate salt with this function: public static...
asked by 01.06.2018 / 10:30

Encrypt in php and decrypt in javascript

I want to store a PHP-generated key as a salt in a text file at the root of my application. This key would help encrypt passwords, database access information. That is, such information would be encrypted for use by PHP. If you need to acc...
asked by 21.01.2018 / 12:59