Questions tagged as 'composer'


Composer giving error

I tried to install phpunit through composer in Windows 7, but it is not allowing. Neither phpunit nor any other tool / package / framework. The error you're experiencing is this: Andmyfileofjsonisthis:{"require-dev":...
asked by 21.12.2015 / 05:16

Composer new config.platform parameter

In the last update of Composer alpha11 a new parameter for platform-independent settings with config.platform was introduced, which is great. I find little or no documentation. Can anyone explain me how to use or practical case...
asked by 01.01.2016 / 16:01

CakePdf for CakePHP 3.x, DOUBT!

I'm using CakePdf, pro cake 3.x Follow the link: link I'm having problems, because I did it according to my own .. and when I type .pdf .. it's the same way. Ex: link In short, there is no error, it is not in the pdf format, it i...
asked by 15.07.2015 / 07:40

Laravel update via composer

   [RuntimeException]   Error Output: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library /usr/lib/php5/20121212+lfs/ '- /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ symbol krb5_ntlm_init_get_challange, version HEIMDAL_KRB5_2.0 not defin...
asked by 04.03.2015 / 15:13

Class not found, but another project worked

I have already inserted the Agent Class into another project using Laravel 4, everything was working correctly, but now that I'm trying to put in another project Laravel is returning the error: Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \...
asked by 17.02.2014 / 15:59

Problems with composer, mcrypt and laravel in ubuntu 14.04

I already have a preexisting project and I need to install laravel on it, however: $ php ../composer.phar create-project laravel/laravel Installing laravel/laravel (v4.2.11) [InvalidArgumentException]...
asked by 10.01.2015 / 07:39

Error Composer when downloading phpDoc

Operating System: ubuntu 14.04 PHP 5.3.10 curl 7.22.0 I'm trying to download phpdocumentor 2.0.0. But it gives this error: Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1 - phpdocumentor/templat...
asked by 04.07.2014 / 01:13

Installing Laravel 5.3 on ubuntu server 14.04.5 [closed]

Running the composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog command installs Laravel 5.2. My machine is installed with php 5.5.9 but php 5.6.26 is installed on the site. Why is laravel 5.3 not installed?     
asked by 27.09.2016 / 18:37

Install the composer on Windows 2012

My operating system has two Apaches running two phps (5 and 7.1 respectively). I'm trying to install the composer for PHP7, but it's giving the following message:    The PHP exe file you specified did not run correctly: C: \ PHP7 \ php.exe  ...
asked by 02.05.2018 / 19:05

Git does not push the master branch

I was using .git normally in my project, yesterday I typed something wrong and git started to return an alert from the corrupted index file. Ok, I gave a git reset, I returned a commit and everything went back to normal. Well, I worked thi...
asked by 28.07.2017 / 15:04