Questions tagged as 'composer'


Error installing Slim framework

How to fix the error below using the composer. composer.json code already created in bin \: { "require": { "slim/slim": "2.*" } }     
asked by 05.06.2017 / 22:33

I need help with error when trying to install Composer

I'm doing maintenance and improvements on a site using CodeIgniter v2.x and one of my client's requirements was to log in using Facebook. Home The problem is that I need to install Composer and I can not. Last year I made an application w...
asked by 15.06.2016 / 19:58

Problem in autoload under test with PHPUnit and Composer in Windows

I'm having a problem with Composer in Windows 7. I developed a project with the following structure: Simpla_HTML |--/src | |--/Simpla | |--/Html | |--/Element.php /---tests | |--/Simpla | |--/Html |...
asked by 28.10.2015 / 15:50

PHP Artisan Make Command: Model Does Not Work

I'm using Composer to generate my PHP files and stuff. I think it makes programming much easier. For example, to generate a Controller I do this: php artisan controller:make NomeController It works! But typing: php artis...
asked by 13.05.2015 / 14:48

What IPs and Ports do I need to have released to work with Composer and Git?

The company in which I work will implement a corporate network in which there are several locks of IPs and Ports. I need to get all the IPs and ports I need to use to request their release. I work with PHP, Git, and Composer and I have no...
asked by 08.11.2018 / 20:07

Autoload composer class not found

Good afternoon! I have a problem and I do not know how to solve it, so creating a mini application, using the autoload of the composer, but it is not working, it is giving the class does not exist. This is my structure: ├── app └── Conn...
asked by 18.07.2018 / 18:29

Can I inherit namespaces?

I'm using composer with autoload in the class namespaces, assuming I have the parent Model : Model.php <?php namespace App\Model; use App\Utils; use \PDO; class Model {} And the child class Item : Item.php <?php na...
asked by 08.09.2018 / 02:32

How to perform Api Deploy with Composer / SlimFramework

I have an api running on localhost how do I send it to my ftp? I have these folders, I downloaded with composer the slimframwork just send everything?     
asked by 05.12.2017 / 17:23

Access files outside of public_html

Is it possible to consistently access files outside the public_html folder on the server to render a View? What I need is to call js and css files and point the images that are within the View layer that is in the app. This in turn w...
asked by 31.07.2016 / 01:24

How do I make composer download via URL or SSH of GitHub

In the code json below I can only clone the PHPMailer dependencies from the repository if the CpanelInc / xmlapi-php url is not set to repositories in código , when I go to https url or ssh generates the following error: [Compo...
asked by 13.07.2016 / 02:47