I'm setting up a bot for rocketchat to turn on and off machines in google cloud, I need to mount a regex that covers the words turnon and turnoff. Could someone help me with this?
I'm implementing a portion of notifications in a rails project, from a tutorial and I'm getting this error.
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
at notifications.self-3e6330e4ab7198d8dee61da361c9c6cd1a536fd445b9ce4b6792ea023705a...
I have in Rails a get '/estados_por_pais/:pais_id route that returns me a JSON array with states in this country. This works perfectly.
I created a CoffeeScript class with a static method that should fetch this array of states:
Consider the following HTML:
<div id="div">
<button class="foo">Botão1</button>
And the following script:
$(".foo").click ->
alert "foobar"
$("#div").append '<button class="foo">Botão2</...
Does anyone know a little coffescript to help me with this method?
renderContent: ->
$listContent = $ "<div/>", class: "me-list-content"
$ul = $ "<ul/>"
qtd = 6
key = 0...
CoffeeScript compiles your files into one:
// código aqui
JSFiddle: link
Sometimes we find a variation on the internet:
// código aqui
JSFiddle: link
What is the use of th...