Infinite Scroll with CoffeeScript


Does anyone know a little coffescript to help me with this method?

renderContent: -> 
    $listContent    = $ "<div/>", class: "me-list-content"
    $ul             = $ "<ul/>"
    qtd             = 6
    key             = 0

    $(window).scroll ->
        if $(window).scrollTop() + 1 >= $(document).height() - $(window).height()
            console.log @itens

    while key < qtd
        item = @itens[key];
        $item = $ @renderItem(item)
        $item.appendTo $ul         

    $ul.appendTo $listContent;

I basically need the @itens variable to assume your collection within the jquery's native scroll function.

asked by anonymous 27.04.2018 / 21:33

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