Questions tagged as 'carousel'


Adding effects to texts in Owl Carousel using animate css

I've been trying to add text animations from the animate.css library to Owl Carousel , to make the Sliders more and more beautiful and elegant, however I can not, just work the first slider as soon as I load the page, when I step forward the t...
asked by 14.05.2018 / 01:56

"Active" carousel in html

Good. I have a project with multiple views that contain a carousel. For example, this is my home page AndwhenIclickonthefirst"See More" button, this appears So far so good! But if I leave this "window" and click on another "see more" b...
asked by 17.05.2018 / 17:18

Carousel Bootstrap - Button covers the entire slide

I'musingtheBootstrapCarouselbutwhenIpausethevideoitgoestothesquad,theblacksquaresoftheimageistoshowthatitis"covering", I would like it to be only on the arrow and not on the entire slide. >     
asked by 06.05.2018 / 21:06

List of products with carousel and flexbox

Personal hello I'm needing help to display a responsive product list that will initially be 4 x 4 on computer screens (and can be changed as needed). The code I have displays flex inline items, but I need it to display in columns and when max-he...
asked by 20.04.2018 / 22:42

How to align carousel with jumbotron?

<div class="jumbotron text-center "> <h1>Titulo</h1> <p>Subtitulo</p> </div> <!-- end top --> <div id="carousel-example-generic" class="carousel slide" d...
asked by 19.04.2018 / 20:44

Carousel Disappearing when inserting a Link

Good morning, I have a problem where I am trying to reference a link in a carousel here, however it has problems. Below the image as the site is. BelowishowitlookswhenIputthereferencedlinkintheNAV. ThetemplateIbuiltforitisthis: link I...
asked by 17.04.2018 / 15:56

Scroll horizontal scrolling issues on mobile devices

When creating a menu with horizontal scroll, no matter how well it works on the computer, I always have problems with touch devices. For example: Creating cards for mobile browsing, what happens is that when scrolling sideways, the site also...
asked by 18.04.2018 / 14:59

Load items from a dynamic multi-item carousel without repeating the information

I have a problem creating a dynamic carousel , I created a loop that takes wordpress posts and creates slider items in case it has 3 columns, a carousel multi items I use the arrow to move to the next problem is that every 3 views are all rep...
asked by 21.03.2018 / 23:01

Carousel bringing a table with information from the database

This is what I wanted to know if it's possible to put a table into the carousel, bringing the data in 5 lines, when I complete 5 lines the next data would continue on the next page, it would work there as a pagination of a table. I've tried, but...
asked by 13.10.2017 / 00:26

Carousel does not load the second image on the mobile phone in portrait position

Hello, I have a carousel on my site which is the basis for showing my products, it works fine on the pc (shows 4 images in sequence) and on the tablet (it shows 2 images in sequence) but on the mobile phone we have a problem, vertical shows 1...
asked by 27.07.2017 / 22:26