Questions tagged as 'carousel'


Multi-item dynamic carousel using bootstrap

I'm having trouble making a dynamic multi-item merry-go-round with just two bootstrap columns, when I report how many columns in the col-md-6 case the items break and are displayed in a further row below, could anyone help me? How to stay...
asked by 29.06.2017 / 17:58

Carousel Boostrap

Hello. I'm trying to make a carousel for the first time using Bootstrap. The carousel is only in the first image, it does not change automatically or when I click the side buttons. HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>...
asked by 28.04.2017 / 22:18

Carousel that passes one image at a time and with thumbnails underneath

IfoundanexampleandwastryingtomodifytowhatIneed.IneedtheimagedisplayedonthecarouselandthethumbnailstobelargerthantheexampleIfound,butwhenItrytomodifythecarouselimagetogetbiggeroneimageoverlapstheother.HTML    <title>FeaturedContentSlider&l...
asked by 19.05.2017 / 00:34

Carousel bootstrap one inside the other does not work right

Hello! Please, I still can not find the solution: I created a bootstrap carousel with divs and another smaller carousel in it together. When I pass the larger carousel (which encompasses everything) and I go back to the item that has the sm...
asked by 24.01.2017 / 15:56

Carousel bootstrap entire scroll

I have this code where when you click the "next" button, it scrolls only 1 image at a time. Knowing that Carousel is multi-item with 4 columns. How do I make the 4-by-4 scrolling when I click the next button? $('.carousel[data-type="multi"]...
asked by 05.12.2018 / 13:30

How do I hide next and previous button on smaller screens in Carousel?

How do I hide next and previous button on smaller screens in Carousel? (smartphone type). See this example: <div class="owl-carousel owl-theme dots-inside" data-plugin-options="{'items': 1, 'margin': 10, 'autoplay': true, 'autoplayTimeou...
asked by 20.11.2018 / 21:22

Filter Wordpress gallery according to the click on the Post

Speak people, I have a carousel where I publish some photos through post in wordpress and I need that when I click on the title of the post in the sidebar, the corresponding gallery appears, someone suggest me how can I do? Thank you! SIDEBAR...
asked by 03.09.2018 / 05:21

How to change the image of the site depending on the screen resolution of the device?

I have a carrot in Bootstrap, and I'm trying to change the images of it depending on the screen resolution of the device using Javascript, but I do not know how to make it work. var width = screen.width; var image1 = document.getElementsB...
asked by 23.08.2018 / 01:49

wanted to put dot / circle controls in my slideshow, can anyone help me?

I would like some dots below the slideshow so when I click on the first dot the slider goes straight to the first slide, but I can not, can anyone help me? HTML: <html lang="pt-br"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"/> <ti...
asked by 10.08.2018 / 18:00

How do I place next / prev buttons and dots controls in my slideshow with css / javascript?

Hello, I'm going through a lot of difficulties to make my slideshow, the best I got was an automatic slideshow, but I'd like to include prev / next arrows to control and buttons underneath as well, can anyone help me? HTML: <div class="...
asked by 09.08.2018 / 19:11