Questions tagged as 'cakephp'


How to create a login page with registration?

I'm creating a web application in cakephp and I'm in doubt as I can not create the registration button on the login page. My code is in \View\Users\login.ctp : <div class="container"> <div class="login-content">...
asked by 17.06.2014 / 16:59

Using CakePHP, how to generate editable pages?

I am developing a website using CakePHP, but I would like to know the correct way to create pages like: Home, Contact, About, simple user page (logged in with permission 1), admin page permission 2), etc.  For this I would like to have a templat...
asked by 22.03.2014 / 18:37

After registration, redirect to another layout in Cakephp

I have a layout for the home page of my project, with only one registration form and nothing else. After the person registers, it is redirected to another page, completely different from the homepage. My controller looks like this: if ($this-&...
asked by 04.03.2014 / 14:08

How to get list of all the actions of all controllers, including Plugins?

I'm trying to get all of the methods / actions of all the controllers from my CakePHP application. I can not bring the methods of all controllers and I do not understand why. I tried to import App::import and with App::uses...
asked by 30.01.2014 / 19:46

Formatting JSON in cakephp

I'm generating a json from a find in CakePhp. Controller: public function listar() { $this->layout = 'ajax'; $this->set('resultados', $this->Sala->listarSala()); } Model: public function listar...
asked by 09.05.2014 / 14:18

In associations in CakePHP, how to change the relationship key?

In associations in CakePHP by default it always makes the relationship being the model name in the singular followed by _id, that is, model_id. Is it possible to change this relationship key to another table field? I tried to use foreig...
asked by 04.02.2014 / 18:56

Design workflow table

I'm doing an application in Cakephp and would like your help on what would be the best way to create my database and my relationship between the models . It would be a "workflow". I would like it to work as follows: 1- This application...
asked by 03.02.2014 / 23:01

How to start in CakePHP3.x [closed]

I'm starting agr with cakephp , I followed the bookmarker tutorial, but is there any simple didactic material explaining the concepts that are used in cake? I see youtuber using the AuthComponent , but they do not tell you what it's for, what...
asked by 05.12.2018 / 20:26

How to Put Two join in one

$this->loadModel('Funcionario'); $id_Defensor = $this->Funcionario->find('list', array( 'fields' => [''], 'conditions' => array('EspecializadasFuncionario.especializada_id' => $idAgendamentos),...
asked by 13.04.2018 / 21:36

How to change the field of a table, taking values from another table as a reference. Using cakephp 1.3

I have an association of tables projeto > auto > anexo . In the project table I have a field cod_status , and in the attached table I have a field status . How do I make the Anexo.status change to Projeto.cod_st...
asked by 18.12.2017 / 03:35