Questions tagged as 'cache'


Avoid actually image caching, do not just change the name of the src

I have an image that loads multiple times, each time with a content that will not be reused. for this problem, I found several answers suggesting something var d = new Date(); buff.src="carrega.php?ver="+d.getTime(); Or with random number....
asked by 28.12.2018 / 22:15

Force update of an element in HTML / Javascript / ASP.NET

Greetings, friends of Stack Overflow. I have a question that involves updating the data entered by the user. On the site I'm working on, the user has access to a text editor to change the labels on certain photos. When editing the text and su...
asked by 18.12.2017 / 17:47

Enjoying browser cache does not work

The Google PageSpeed tool is displaying the error:    Enjoy browser caching. My site: I have activated the modules expires and headers on my server, then I added in the htaccess the configuration below:...
asked by 09.07.2017 / 07:23

I can not enable caching and GZIP compression on my site. Because?

I have a client site to optimize on Wordpress. It was rated 32 and 34 on the mobile and desktop test on PageSpeed Insights by Google, respectively. I improved some items and the scores went up to 51 and 56. I installed the WP Super Cache c...
asked by 09.06.2017 / 17:22

Matrix segmentation failure

I'm getting the segmentation fault error in the code below: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define linha 1000 #define coluna 1000 int main() { long double M1[1000][1000]; long double M2[1000][1000]; long double ma...
asked by 24.09.2016 / 22:26

Doubt over cached files

I'm building a system in php, and I'm creating the design material that will be used in the system. I created 2 files, 1st Materia.js and 2º Material.css. Well in these files I'll put all CSS and JS. I will call the file on the login screen a...
asked by 05.08.2016 / 13:35

JSON API cache in Xcode

I want to cache the JSON API from my Wordpress in my app. I want a cache of tableview cells and UIWebView for when in airplane mode or off or with bad signal, the user can still see. I tried caching with AFNetworking and NSURLCache...
asked by 02.08.2014 / 03:44

How to create search in Laravel getting cache data?

Since I have this data in a file I do not see why to make a request in the database. Example of my curly code: $produtos = Cache::rememberForever('produtos', function () { return DB::table('produtos') ->get(); }); $produtos =...
asked by 04.09.2018 / 19:34

Is it wrong to return null in a Task?

I have the following implementation of MemoryCache : public Task<News[]> GetCandidateNewsAsync(string candidate) { return _cache.GetOrCreateAsync(candidate, async factory =>// _cache é um IMemoryCache { var candi...
asked by 02.08.2018 / 23:33

How to update image cache via PHP

I have a thumbnail image in header.php , but when sending a request to update that image to another page in PHP (which updates the same in the database), it is not updated automatically on the page. Obs. : I have already inserted the f...
asked by 23.07.2017 / 16:41