Questions tagged as 'bootstrap-4'


Tooltip of Bootstrap 4 does not work correctly on Angular 6

Below is the bootstrap implementation in my application (angular.json) "styles": [ "src/styles.css", "./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" ], "scripts": [...
asked by 04.10.2018 / 21:47

Slide owl carousel2 background image

I need to make the background image of the slide swap and the content must be static as in the image I believe doing with background-image of to do more I do not know how anyone knows how to help me     
asked by 07.10.2018 / 02:40

Modal in separate components

Hello, I'm new to Bootstrap with angular, and I would like to know if a way to create a modal in one component and call it in another, for example: Component-parent component-modal so the parent component would have a button that would call...
asked by 06.08.2018 / 00:15

Bootstrap 4 - NavBar Fixed with BackGround White

Speak, I'm having problems, because I can not leave my NavBar with a white background when it goes from 400px down. I want her transparent in the beginning and after 400px she will have a white background.Ps: I want to edit the navbar when I can...
asked by 28.08.2018 / 19:17

How to use Javascript with Bootstrap4?

I'm doing my front end with Bootstrap, I want to use js for events like onclick, for example. Ifyoucannotseetheimage(shortversion):<html><head><title>AgileHub-Parafernalia</title><metacharset="UTF-8"> <li...
asked by 04.07.2018 / 17:16

Background problem with Iphone 6, 7 and 8

I created a layout and my background image is not showing up on Iphone 6, 7 and 8.Trying locally for Chrome appears quietly, but when testo on the Iphone 8 it disappears getting only the background color. I already tried to change background-pos...
asked by 12.06.2018 / 17:27

Open a modal that comes from a different PHP page

I want to open a modal on a menu button but only put it in a separate file just for him, I wanted to know what command to open it by pulling from another file in PHP     
asked by 05.06.2018 / 19:17

How to add the class "active" according to the page accessed

I have a separate layout in my project, where it is standard for all pages. how to do in the left menu, the active class is activated according to the selected page. I have the html code: <div class="sidebar-sticky"> <ul class...
asked by 27.05.2018 / 22:19

Bootstrap - Update only one of the div (Menu)

I'm starting a project with bootstrap and would like to update only the div class = content when selecting any menu option. How do I do it? Follows: ├── html files │ └── index.html Src/ ├── pages/ │ └── form1.html │ └── form2.htm...
asked by 25.05.2018 / 21:15

Button in CSS Wrong in form input, but correct in other CSS call types

I have a form with the following code: div class="container"> <!-- Formulário de Login --> <form action="validacao.php" target="_blank" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Dados de Login</legend>...
asked by 14.06.2018 / 22:23