Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


ERROR: POST http: /php/RelatorioFisico.php net :: ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH

Someone knows why this error is occurring when I am going to download a spreadsheet ... Being that if I refresh the page the error does not happen again Controller $scope.GerarPlanilha = function (){ $http({ url: 'http:/php/...
asked by 15.09.2015 / 08:19

AngularJS + Directive + mfb = Not working

I'm new with angle and I'm testing directives. I have this scenario: angular.module(module) .directive(directive, function () { return { templateUrl:template...
asked by 15.09.2015 / 14:36

$ (), problem with declaration of parameter "controller"

I'm trying to open a modal through the view, by the showModal () method, the problem is that I get an error regarding the "editCrtl" controller declaration, which is very strange, since it is already loaded in the index and is perfectly created...
asked by 09.08.2015 / 02:27

Ckeckbox marked with Angularjs

Good afternoon I have an HTML structure built into an ng-repeat that creates ckeckboxes horizontally and vertically, that is, a multidimensional array. When I click on one, I have to save in the bank. So far so good, the problem is being to brin...
asked by 03.08.2015 / 19:17

show a second option when a certain value of a first option is selected

Good Night, I'm developing a system, where depending on the option the user chooses in the first option , other options will appear in a second option , This would be the options in the first option on my controller $scop...
asked by 05.08.2015 / 07:40

Help page Single Page Angular

I have an application with divided into several service blocks developed using NodeJs, AngularJs and MongoDB using Express. Each service block has its own services, controllers and their respective partials that work independently, but I can not...
asked by 15.06.2015 / 14:51

AngularJS validation does not work very well

I have a form that is shown within a modal, used by the Bootstrap framework, and because of this, angle validation does not work right. Only a few fields are validated and still random. For example, I have three fields in this form: FirstName...
asked by 15.06.2015 / 16:25

$ scope upgrade problem with cordova and angularJS

Hello. I am developing an app using cordova, ionic and angularJS. And I have a problem updating an input. I have the following function that runs on a ng-click: $scope.buscarContato = function(){ $ = []; $scope.phoneId = 0; $scop...
asked by 26.06.2015 / 15:09

2 Controllers with the same API

My knowledge in angular is little yet and I have doubts even a little dizzy, but come on hehe. I need a controller that shows recent records (8 latest) and another with a general list (20 items). See my reasoning below. var app = angular...
asked by 14.07.2015 / 16:35

$ http works in browser and not in android device [closed]

I have an application developed using Ionic Framework , it is a hybrid application and in the tests done in the browser it worked perfectly, when I generated the .apk file and tested both the emulator and the device is not executing the request...
asked by 25.05.2015 / 00:13