AngularJS + Directive + mfb = Not working


I'm new with angle and I'm testing directives.

I have this scenario:

        .directive(directive, function () {
            return {               

<ul class="mfb-component--br mfb-slidein" data-mfb-toggle="click" data-mfb-state="closed"  ng-controller="" >
    <li class="mfb-component__wrap">
        <a data-mfb-label="Fechar" class="mfb-component__button--main">
            <i class="mfb-component__main-icon--resting ion-plus"></i>
            <i class="mfb-component__main-icon--active ion-close"></i>
        <ul class="mfb-component__list">
                <a href="#/help" data-mfb-label="Ajuda" class="mfb-component__button--child">
                    <i class="mfb-component__child-icon ion-help"></i>

Would anyone give the way to work? = / Outside the directive (putting in a .html) works

asked by anonymous 15.09.2015 / 14:36

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