Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


Failed to apply mascara currency in an if inline

I have a condition where I need to apply the money mask. <td> <div class="pull-left">{{nota.issRetido[0] === true ? nota.qtdNotasEmitidas | currency : '-'}}</div> <div class="pull-right">{{nota.issRetido[0] ===...
asked by 21.06.2018 / 16:00

Get lower value with AngularJS

How to compare the three values with ng-if and get the smallest value. The idea is the least value to stick with the div in another color ... <div class="card-header text-center" style="background: #f3bb70; color: #2d1b53" ng-if="somaCl...
asked by 21.06.2018 / 02:25

Balls are filled according to the status of the page

I'm developing a form where I have three pages and consequently three top balls, each representing a page. The form logic is now complete where each page is displayed according to the variable parameter with a data-ng-show. I need that according...
asked by 19.06.2018 / 02:31

Problem installing boostrap

I'm trying to install Bootstrap using NodeJS through the terminal and the following error is displayed: npm ERR! code ETARGET npm ERR! notarget No matching version found for jquery@next npm ERR! notarget In most cases you or one of your depend...
asked by 12.06.2018 / 19:47

Stop a song from playing on the same controller using $ locationProvider

The code is all right, but when I use $location.path('/minha-rota') for the same control, where it has a different view, which would be before starting a game, the sound is restarting, but on this route it does not call play, even after t...
asked by 15.06.2018 / 20:51

Exporting html to excel does not work in Firefox

I'm trying to export my table to excel, but I'm not sure how to do it.
asked by 19.06.2018 / 22:50

send array post in AngularJS

Talk to people, blz? I have a question to send two attributes to an api with authentication. I need to do this with angular JS. This is the C # code of the API method: [Route("cadastrarProduto")] [ApplyModelValidation] public IHttpActi...
asked by 21.06.2018 / 03:08

Use Angularjs and Twig in the same template

I'm trying to render a list of names using the ng-repeat directive of AngularJS. But I think there's a conflict between the Angular and Twig syntax. I tried to use the {% verbatim %}{{ angular_var }}{% endverbatim %} tag I found in...
asked by 04.06.2018 / 19:33

How to make an animated menu with directives in AngularJs?

Hello, I'm picking up a little to create a menu like the one below in a project. I've already tested and calling that specific js works, but there for some reason it's not cheering. Do you have any idea how to create with directives? I'm breakin...
asked by 10.06.2018 / 19:17

POST with AngularJS and Laravel

I'm trying to send via POST to my laravel backend, but on the console it points to the error:    POST link 500 (Internal Server Error)! ! Here's my AngularJS code <!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app="myApp"> <head> &l...
asked by 31.05.2018 / 18:21