Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


Display mysql data using angularjs / codeigniter

I'm developing an application in CodeIgniter 3 and I came across the following problem. I want to import the data from the database table and display it on a php page. In my controller I created the function: public function relacionar() {...
asked by 01.02.2016 / 22:26

Help with Mask Policy for numbers with 4 decimal places in AngularJS

I want to make a number directive in angularJS with two features, one to format when entering a number in an html input. Example of how you would like to: 1,200,0000       12.000,0000       120,000.0000 and the other to limit the decima...
asked by 25.02.2016 / 21:31

ng-value with 2 values and 2 ng-model in the same input-radio

No ion-radio has ng-value with 2 values. The ng-model is taking the value of ng-value . The problem here is that I want to display these 2 values of ng-value separated. ex: {{data.nomeOpc}} displays op...
asked by 25.02.2016 / 12:50

Pass object between views

How could I pass a JSON object between views: angular.module('app') .controller('MeuControle', function($scope) { $scope.listaPessoas = [ { nome: "Patrick", idade: 19 }, { nom...
asked by 25.02.2016 / 23:20

Dynamically create columns of checkboxes with angular

I'm trying to dynamically create columns from checkboxes in a dropdown, using angular. I use bootstrap. Each checkbox item may or may not have related children. The solution I found was to put everything inside a div ( .col-sm-4...
asked by 03.03.2016 / 06:34

Sort GRID UI record from the filter

Hello, Thisimageonlydisplayedthedatathathas"S", but in addition to displaying it, I need to sort it from the search filter, ie in this case, the result would be something like: Sleeping / Basketball / Thermal. Does anyone have a tip or a...
asked by 04.03.2016 / 20:29

Print Bluetooth ionic printer

Has anyone actually managed to print on bluetooth printer using Ionic, CORD, phonegap some method that was not native? My project was written in Ionic, soon this need arose: (     
asked by 20.02.2016 / 19:05

Manipulate views within an abstract route in AngularJS

I'm creating an application that uses CodeIgniter as backend and I want to use AngularJS for the frontend. My problem is that I can not understand how I will insert new modules (blocks of code) where each module of this must contain its own...
asked by 16.12.2015 / 20:10

Execute command only after the for - Javascript ends

I need to get the distance traveled by a vehicle in the last 3 days and display it on the chart. For this, I make a for and I'm calculating the distance covered and saving in an array (arrayKmDayData) : arrayKmDayData.push(Math...
asked by 06.12.2015 / 19:17

Shared variables do not update after http request

I created a Service to be able to share a variable with my entire application, but the value is not being updated: The service only queries the server to return the number of pending users And I'd like this value to be shared across multip...
asked by 05.12.2015 / 22:45