Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


Reactive Programming With MEAN stack

I'm thinking of starting to develop a social network similar to that of instagram, for learning purposes, using MEAN stack. I thought about my models: User: var mongoose = require('mongoose'); module.exports = mongoose.model('User', {...
asked by 01.03.2016 / 05:02

Change Request Headers for WS protocol

I have an Ionic app that uses a Ruby on Rails API. To authenticate, I'm using the Devise and tiddle gems where I step through the AngularJs interceptor X-USER-EMAIL > and X-USER-TOKEN in Request Header There is a part of the appl...
asked by 10.02.2016 / 17:43

Doubt with FindOne in AngularJS using MongoJS error when searching

Hello, I'm trying to do a search on the bank with this code using the mongojs findOne, follow code: app.get('/detalhesContato/:id', function(req, res){ var id =; console.log(id); db.contatos.findOne({_id: mongojs.Obj...
asked by 05.02.2016 / 21:09

Json misconfigures when requesting via angular http

I'm doing an add-on for Firefox and this is powered by json that comes from an ajax request, which I do via http's get method. When I print json by calling the direct address on the screen, it normally displays, but when I make the request fr...
asked by 26.04.2016 / 02:38

AngularJS - Forcing bind field input

Good afternoon guys! I read that by default AngularJS requires fields to have some user interaction to perform binding. how do I ignore this and send what I have in the input field, even without interaction with the user? Thank you. My JavaSc...
asked by 25.04.2016 / 21:11

My data does not go to DB using ionic and php

I'm developing an app on Ionic. When saving, the following message appears in the console:    link 500 (Internal Server Error) ionic.bundle.js: 19346 POST Follow my codes angle controller: angular.module('app.controllers', []) .co...
asked by 27.01.2016 / 19:37

Conflict of routes in AngularJS and Wordpress

I'm having a problem with routing in AngularJS and Wordpress. Before I did not use html5Mode(true) and my route was /#/dashboad and the /blog route worked normally. But when I started using html5Mode(true) and the route sta...
asked by 06.04.2016 / 17:17

Sort html with grid angularjs

I need a hint on how to sort elements in my home with no blanks appearing. The problem is: I have a page that lists all the services registered, this page is with pagination that lists the elements 8 per page, so far everything ok, list the elem...
asked by 18.04.2016 / 21:16

phonegap plugin on AngularJS ngCordova

I have a slight difficulty in understanding how to install these plugins, in general, they never work for lack of some file that I did not call or anything like. For example, this facebook plugin that phonegap forces you to use for better per...
asked by 18.04.2016 / 18:36

Background cordova / phonegap

I'm a beginner in the area of creating apps with Cordova, I've looked all over the internet but I did not find any tutorial that explained exactly how to use the background plugin, in all the questions I saw here are the same answers I did not I...
asked by 03.11.2015 / 06:48