Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


Create your own scope at each ng-repeat iteration

I am trying to make a table of values to be filled and stored, line by line. However, even after the first row is filled and stored, when I change the value of a select, the select of all the lines above the one I am inserting are having their v...
asked by 01.09.2017 / 16:16

Post-Payload Error (Node.js)

Today when I was performing the post from a larger base 64 is returning this from my server. When uploading a smaller image it sends without problems, I tried to use some solutions limiting the server to 50mb but it did not work. server.use(bo...
asked by 31.08.2017 / 19:45

problem with header Authorization node / angular

Hello, I'm trying to access an external link to our application, which should be opened in a new tab. I need to pass the login and password in the header of the call, but I can not. I tried the option below, but it did not work. Has anyone ha...
asked by 02.10.2017 / 20:19

Ui.Router loads / imports JS files, but buttons lose functionality

The template SmartAdmin uses lazyScript to import the JS files, it works, everything is fine, but when I navigate between the pages the Ui buttons, to work. angular.module('', ['ui.router']) .config(function($stateProv...
asked by 06.09.2017 / 14:55

Convert format like xml to json with javascript

I am using the following code to read a file similar to an XML, but I need this file to be converted to a JSON, can anyone give me this help? Here is the code for my index.html <html> <head> <script> var op...
asked by 21.08.2017 / 21:21

Single Page Application in the Android Studio WebView

Is it possible to use the Angle Single Page application in WebView with Android Studio?     
asked by 21.08.2017 / 03:04

remove right column

Based on a response script to this question: Dynamic table with angle Where it creates a PivotTable with angular, but it can not delete the right "cell", it always deletes the last included question. To reproduce the error, just mark the fi...
asked by 16.10.2017 / 16:50

AngularJs query data Sending object to the filter

I have a WS written in Spring that takes an object as a filter and returns a list of data. in my Java Service: @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value="/{filtro}",method=RequestMethod.GET) public Datatable listar(@RequestBody PessoaFiltro filtr...
asked by 11.08.2017 / 20:10

how to do the ng-bind-html of a directive?

<!-- ng-bind-html de uma diretiva customizado não funciona --> <span ng-bind-html="customDirective"></span> <!-- é renderizado --> <choices-tab></choices-tab> //Assim funciona: $scope.customDirective = '<...
asked by 08.08.2017 / 03:10

Widfly 9.0.2 is not initializing in debug mode

In the controller of my application, I have a method with a POST request, before it was a void method, with no return, but I changed it so that it would already return the generated records, after that change, the server of my application, the w...
asked by 25.07.2017 / 16:57