I have a select component
<div class="form-group col-md-4">
<select ng-model="distrito.entidade.id.municipio.id.nome" class="form-control" >
<option value="{{...
I'm getting the following error when trying to test my function:
SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "undefined"
The function is this:
function onGetInstanceName(e, args) {
rootScope.instance_name = _storage.loca...
Hello everyone. I made my first angular web app 2 and now I'm trying to put it on a remote server to access via url. I tried using ng build -prod and I passed the dist folder that was generated to my server, but it did not work. Help me! Thanks...
Well, I'm having a problem with angle 4. I'm trying to use the ng2-opd-popup component. It installs right, but when I declare it in app.modules.ts it returns the following error:
ERROR in Error encountered resolving symbol va...
I do not know how to set $ rootScope. $ on in my unit test. Whenever I invoke a function it gives me the following error:
TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.
The test is being done as follows:
describe('Testing Event...
I'm getting an error while performing the following test:
it('testing if the onStateChangeErrorHandle function is defined', function(){
srv.onStateChangeError({$rootScope: rootScope});
I'm having a bizarre problem with a variable I created in HTML itself with AngularJS. I even tried to instantiate it on the Controller to see if that was the problem but no.
I have a button that in ng-click I say that this variable (wh...
I have a question .. I've implemented a login validation using JWT.
It works fine, it generates the token within the requests.
However, in the login page, if in the URL I put the next page the system lets go.
Login COntroller
I have three fields and I have to validate by sending the message ng-mensage of the first field whenever a value is changed and preventing the form from being submitted.
The sum of the field número 2 and número 3 can not...