Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


Skip json from Nodejs to Angularjs

I have a server running on Nodejs using the Sequelize for ORM, it works fine, but I needed to pass the query result to the angle. My server looks like this: var express = require('express'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser');...
asked by 19.04.2015 / 01:12

Generating graphs with hightchart, PHP, MYSQL and Angular JS

I'm trying to generate graphics dynamically with technologies (PHP, MYSQL, AngularJS). This is my PHP code: $sql = "SELECT descricao, estoque from 'alimentos'"; Transaction::open("mysql"); $conn = Transaction::get(); $result = $co...
asked by 29.04.2015 / 03:27

Angularjs - ng-show directive is not working in java application

I'm trying to use the ng-show of AngularJS directive in a Spring MVC application, but I'm not getting it, it's simply not working. Note: I'm using AngularJS normally, the other directives, but ng-show and ng-hide do not work...
asked by 14.03.2015 / 20:38

Input Radio with default value

Using Asp.Net MVC 5 with AngularJS I want a input radio to be checked by default. According to the link: How to select a radio button by default? Assign an initial value to radio button as checked Just use this: <labe...
asked by 10.03.2015 / 20:26

Show / Hide table rows based on dynamic content using AngularJS

Good morning I have several tables inside a div, inside these tables I show in the columns the days of the week, and in the lines several times. These times I have limited to show only 8 at a time. When the person clicks the 'More' button, I dis...
asked by 28.03.2015 / 14:42

Same controller for different views

When defining routes, I have the following code: $stateProvider .state('app', { url: '', abstract: true, views: { 'login' : { templateUrl: 'view/login.html', controller: 'authentication'...
asked by 12.02.2015 / 14:24

Angularjs php node apache2

I started to develop in Node.js using the frameworks Express and Angular when I needed tutorials I noticed that in some the Angular is used together PHP to make requisitions in bank. My question is: on which...
asked by 08.07.2015 / 08:13

How to show or hide some element with AngularJS, without creating variable

I'm trying to make a table, where it shows the list of requests and the button for editing Order Lita: var lista = [ {id: 1, nome: 'Pedido 1', ano1: 100, ano2: 200}, {id: 2, nome: 'Pedido 2', ano1: 100, ano2: 200}, {id: 3, nome:...
asked by 16.01.2015 / 16:21

Upload with $ http post

In my controller, I have the following code that I use to POST my form: $, json_object).then(function (results) { console.log(; }); The above code sends a json to the server. How do you adapt it to upload...
asked by 02.03.2015 / 20:46

Synchronize objects, from the same Array, with the index of different pages

Use the angular-bootstrap-lightbox , which serves to show enlarged images by clicking on they. I put the images on different pages, using ng-repeat and custom filter | filterBy: ['id']: ''" , only the image of the first object i...
asked by 21.01.2015 / 00:47