Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


Post and Put with Restangular for api Ruby on Rails

I'm creating a single page application using angularjs using a ruby on rails API and the restangular to make my requests. Problem: The API by default expects POST and PUT requests to arrive in a property with the model name, eg:...
asked by 14.10.2015 / 16:15

How to submit a form with OnsenUI and AngularJS?

How do I make a submit with the Onsen UI + AngularJS ? I have the following ons-page : <ons-page ng-controller="LoginController"> <ons-toolbar> <div class="center">Acesso ao Sistema</div> </o...
asked by 05.08.2015 / 02:48

Manipulate an array dynamically with several controllers of the Angular.js

Well, I have a feature on my system that has a large interaction with the end user, I then opted to employ Angular.js . My goal is to dynamically populate a array and when the user der submit I send such data via $ () to an act...
asked by 22.06.2015 / 18:55

ui-select - How to put attribute "name"

Problem here to vary, someone has worked with ui-select, I'm using a project here in a client registration form to select states and cities, it's working beauty, but it does not accept the "name" attribute and nor "required" so that I can pick i...
asked by 22.06.2015 / 13:46

Format date in Angular for Java.util.Date

I have the following date generated in AngularJS: 2015-09-14T18:38:03.637Z when I try to give a POST the following error occurs in the backend:    Caused by: java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date:   "2015-09-14T18: 38: 03.637Z" at...
asked by 14.09.2015 / 20:50

List JSON in AngularJS not displayed

I'm trying to return a list from a Java webservice, but in the HTML page it goes blank, I can not see my error, below the code. @Path("/contatos") public class ContatoResource { static private Map<Integer, Contato> contatosMa...
asked by 12.06.2015 / 17:41

NG-SHOW in AngularJS after Filter application

Hello, the code below works 99%, I just need to put the ng-show in < h5 & gt ;, but I'm not getting it. The criterion: is to display the group name only if there is a group item in the list after the search. The search works, but display...
asked by 18.07.2015 / 04:27

Retrieve input file file with Angular Js

I need to create an object with the data of a form and I do not know what to do with the input type="file". Is there any ready-made ng-model directive that retrieves the file from an input type="file" with Angular Js?     
asked by 20.07.2015 / 12:46

How to get data returned from a post request

I have the following code: $'data.php').success(function(data) { return data; }).error(function(data) { console.log(data); }); How to manipulate the data coming from this request? I'm doing it this way: var data = $s...
asked by 28.05.2015 / 03:50

Why my $ scope. $ watch does not work

Does anyone have any idea why my $scope.$watch does not work, this $scope.paciente.telefones is attached to a combobox. $scope.$watch('paciente.telefones', function(oldv, newv) { var existeCelularComEnvioSms = false; angu...
asked by 16.04.2015 / 14:03