Questions tagged as 'angularjs-directives'


Access function declared in the directive controller by transclude objects

I'm trying to create a directive that has its scope isolated, but that has some functions that it will be responsible for doing p / directive. Is a div that contains a table and a "Add" button when clicking on the add will open below the table a...
asked by 26.09.2016 / 20:42

How to insert an Angular directive in HTML using an external script?

I need to insert a directive inside the code of a calendar that is already implemented in a site I'm creating, but I've encountered a problem: In HTML, the policy is printed normally, but Angular does not process it and replaces its content. In...
asked by 30.03.2016 / 23:24

Error in the configuration of RouterProvider of AngularJS

I imported the angular-route.js and made the following configuration: <script type="text/javascript"> angular.module("layoutxepa",["ngRoute"]); angular.module("layoutxepa").config(function (serialGeneratorProvider) { serial...
asked by 28.09.2015 / 17:10

How do I make this directive return in ng-bind the sum of the results?

angular.module( 'isfModFinance', []) .directive( 'isfModFinance', function() { var validElementScope = angular.element('<div>{{ model.input }}</div>'); var validElementTotal = angular.element('<div>{{ }}&...
asked by 04.09.2015 / 00:18

Angular + Chartjs

I'm starting to use the Chart.js Library by following the link But I'm trying hard, when I run the html page, nothing happens, all the scripts are found but the graphic is not displayed. I'm waiting for suggestions <!doctype html>...
asked by 14.08.2015 / 14:01

Set $ scope value of a Controller from an Angular Directive

I'm trying to get an object from a Controller from an event in a directive, the controller's method call is already correct, but it seems like $scope within this method is wrong , since if $ from the call of the even...
asked by 30.04.2015 / 19:30

Search on the system using angularjs and java

I have a Java backend: JPA, HIbernate. Entities working correctly, I even have a SearchResource class @Path("/search") @ApiDefinitionBase @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Api(value = "Search", prod...
asked by 28.11.2018 / 18:38

How to use ng-repeat inside the ui-carousel library?

The carousel works, but I'm not able to do ng-repeat within the policy, how could I solve this? In the controller I have the collection: $scope.steps = [ {id:1, text: 'nnoonon 1', current:1, collection:[]}, {id:2, text: 'nnoonon 2',...
asked by 02.10.2017 / 21:36

Initialize some user parameters using angularjs and Google Cloud Endpoints

I'm trying to initialize some user parameters using AngularJs and google cloud endpoints. Through an endpoint getProfile, I need to get the user information like photo, description, age to display on the screen. I can make a call of this type us...
asked by 10.09.2016 / 05:27

Create a multiple filter with only one input

On my system, I created a directive that gets the parameters needed to update a table, which would be: function filtroAngularTable() { return { restrict: 'E', scope: { lista: '=', config: '='...
asked by 12.11.2016 / 15:12