Questions tagged as 'angularjs-directives'


Get child element width in Angular directive

Next I have a table fed by a simple routine. I need to make the scroll to tbody fixed. So far so good. Could make N forms. To try to make the responsive table I'm using a directive to calculate and set the value of each th after the data is r...
asked by 25.11.2015 / 19:25

What is the difference between "=" and "" in the scope options of a custom policy?

In AngularJS, I was creating a directive. I noticed that when I used the = sign to capture a certain value from the controller scope, when I changed this value, the value of the parent controller was also changing. For example: an...
asked by 02.09.2016 / 16:33

How to use a module in AngularJS?

I have the following code in AngularJS but I get the error:    Error: [$ injector: unpr] Unknown provider: AuthenticationProvider <   Authentication My code is as follows: app.js angular.module('app') .controller('HomeController',...
asked by 11.12.2013 / 17:35

Angularjs - creating input templates by passing variables

I'm trying to create a template for my inputs: partials / input_text.html <div> <input type="text" name="{{name}}" placeholder="{{placeholder}}" ng-model="model"> <small ng-show="{{form}}.{{name}}.$dirty &&...
asked by 14.02.2014 / 15:30

How to force directive to work only if it is within a specific policy?

I'm trying to make the ngPanelHead, ngPanelBody, and ngPanelFoot directives require to be within the ngPanel directive, otherwise an error will appear on the console. I tried with require but it is not working. I'm using version 1.4.8 of Angular...
asked by 02.12.2015 / 14:36

Pass directive within template

I have the following scenario: I have a modal call directive and I want to pass another policy as content, the code is as follows: maintain-provider-form.js "use strict"; angular.module("fornecedor") .directive('manterFornecedorFormulario'...
asked by 27.10.2015 / 15:05

Problem in currency mask in input

I'm having a coin mask problem with AngularJS. I found this thread in Stackoverflow in English. The mask works fine by typing in the input and arrives right in the controller , however when I command formatted the controller to the scr...
asked by 29.01.2014 / 20:43

Compile directives from the Controller

I have a table that is rendered dynamically when passing an array of data to it. I have access to the data of each "row" as follows: { "data": function (data, type, val, meta) { return "<div style=\"color:green;\">" +...
asked by 29.07.2016 / 21:54

Angular JS - Get the value sent by the select of a directive

I have a directive that returns me a select that when selected I want to get the value of the code from the controller and make an HTTP request. Plunker: link     
asked by 23.12.2015 / 18:37

Upload file with parameters in Silex with Angular-File-Upload

I'm doing a job with Angular (version 1.5.8) and using Silex as Web Service. To send the file to the Web Service I am using Angular-File-Upload (version 1.5.1), and my Angular service is like this: self.salvarAnexo = function (id, descricao, a...
asked by 12.08.2016 / 01:02