Questions tagged as 'angular'


@Angular in the global and non-local repository for all projects

I installed angular / cli like this: npm install -g @ angular / cli I created a project like this: ng new project-name So far so good, but is it possible that when you create a project with the ng new eating it does not copy th...
asked by 02.05.2018 / 16:22

Upload image without page reload

Good evening, I'm uploading file, it's working but every time I upload the file the page refreshes, could anyone give a hint how to solve this? I'm using angular 5. component.ts OnSubmit(){ const formData = new FormData(); const...
asked by 19.05.2018 / 02:00

Custom input component

Hello, I have a form 'Reactive Forms' where it has several fields, so I decided to create a component and run a ngFor in it to reduce the number of lines ... Component html <div *ngFor='let input of inputs' class="input-size-{{input.s...
asked by 27.04.2018 / 19:28

ionic - wait for return from http get

Edit: solution in the third answer. I'm trying to do a login function for a project in Ionic 2. This function checks if the user is registered in the database through the php server and returns the id of the user if he / she has a registratio...
asked by 23.05.2018 / 16:57

Angular 2 - Change the separator of the comma values to point

I want the value of my Form to return 2 decimals and with a comma separating instead of a point.    Ex: 20 - > 20.00 And if the value is greater than a thousand it has a point separating.    Ex: 1000 - > 1,000.00 How can I do...
asked by 06.09.2017 / 13:47

Decimal mask on an ion-input of type "number"

I need to make a mask of values (9 digits with 3 decimals), and when the user starts to enter the value, the field automatically inserts the commas and point, similar to what happens today in the bank systems, where in the field we have the 0.00...
asked by 21.07.2017 / 15:41

Problems with object ngFor containing objects

I'm using it as follows: <ion-item *ngFor="let via of lines.daysOperations?.week?.tripA?.routes; let i = index" text-wrap (click)="toggleGroup(i+'i')" [ngClass]="{active: isGroupShown(i+'i')}"> E is giving this e...
asked by 19.07.2017 / 17:12

How to use the reference of a file of a barrel in the same folder with Typescript

I'm having trouble making reference to files that are in the same folder when working with a file of type barrel in my project is in Angular (version: ^ 4.0.0). My problem is this, look at the structure of files and directories below: |-app...
asked by 03.07.2017 / 16:54

Login with angle 4

I'm learning angular4, and I'd like to know a way to login with it. I can get the data from the backend, but how do I configure the session? (I came from php, the era just use session). I saw something about storing a token in the localstorag...
asked by 18.08.2017 / 19:30

Loading too slow (Angular 4)

I put an application in Angular 4.3 in production and I realize that the first load is quite slow for the application size (2.93 mb) The site does not connect to API Rest at the moment, it's just the visual part. I took a look at the Chrom...
asked by 05.10.2017 / 03:20