Questions tagged as 'angular'


Date is wrong when converting paid Date in JavaScript

Hello, I have a .NET API that returns the data, the date comes in the format: 2016-06-17T00:00:00 and I try to convert it to date in JavaScript, so I do the following: var data = new Date(2016-06-17T00:00:00); It works, but the date...
asked by 24.06.2016 / 14:38

ionic-native / http issues "NullInjectorError: No provider for HTTP!"

I'm starting in ionic 3.2 with angular, as per the linking documentation I installed on the project the @ionic-native/http module with the following commands via CMD: ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-advanced-http npm install...
asked by 19.03.2018 / 02:33

Angular2 Child Routes

const itemRoutes: Routes = [ { path: '', component: ItensComponent, children: [ { path: '', redirectTo: 'lista', pathMatch: 'full' }, { path: 'lista', component: ListaItensComponent }, { path: 'novo', component: No...
asked by 10.01.2017 / 03:08

Perform validation on the form only after losing focus on angular validator

I am using the validations of the reactive forms in the angle, I put a valid email validation, the problem is that while the user is still typing the email already appears. I would like to know how to just show the error message after losing foc...
asked by 20.12.2018 / 16:08

How an authentication validation works with Angular + PHP

I'm starting angular (version above 2) I'm studying angular communication with PHP, in the httpClient part (of rxjs) to make the GET, POST, PUT and DELETE understood well. My question is how does this work to login? From what I understand so far...
asked by 29.10.2018 / 23:45

Problem with * ngIf: Can not read property 'indexvariacaoatributo' of undefined

I have a reactive form and I need to show this card only when in my array listAtributos[i].indexvariacaoatributo is different from null . It turns out that there is initially no indexvariacaoatributo , so it returns:    Can...
asked by 12.11.2018 / 17:47

Send headers in angular http request

I need to send three values in my header in http request, but when I check in the browser I realize that my headers have not been sent. I tried something like: trocaToken(token):Observable<any>{ const _headers = new HttpHeaders(...
asked by 23.07.2018 / 16:28

Login Page

I'm learning angular. I'm using angle 6 I'm trying to make the LTE Admin login page I imported these files into angular.json "styles": [ "node_modules/admin-lte/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css",...
asked by 15.08.2018 / 01:30

Menu and routes and subroutines

I have this file that mounts the menu. import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; export interface BadgeItem { type: string; value: string; } export interface Saperator { name: string; type?: string; } export interface ChildrenItems...
asked by 08.05.2018 / 18:45

Error trying to initialize the Angular project (To disable this warning use "ng config -g cli.warnings.versionMismatch false")

I've taken a project I'm studying for a course. I installed the dependencies of the node with the command npm install and everything went well. Initializing the webPack with the command ng serve shows this error:    Your global...
asked by 17.05.2018 / 16:56