Questions tagged as 'android'


Alert works immediately if the time exceeds the defined alarm

This is the code I have: alarme.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, horas, 86400000, alarmIntent); The purpose was to send a notification after 24 hours and it works after 24 hours the problem is that we imagine my alarm is at 12:20 a...
asked by 20.06.2016 / 16:14

What is missing from the custom listAdapter I created?

I'm trying to insert a listview into a fragment. When I use the default layout "android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1" it works fine, but I want to create a different layout with two text views per line. Fragment - Excerpts import
asked by 22.06.2016 / 02:49

Does Firebase Analytics need to be started on all activities?

I'm at an awkward stalemate. I'm creating the custom of using Firebase in my project, but I do not understand how to use it. Do I need to put the Firebase Analytics code in all activities or just one?     
asked by 02.12.2016 / 01:38

CollapsingToolbarLayout change and leave transparent

I am not able to change the color of CollapsingToolbarLayout When I roll up it gets the image I placed and does not change the color. Before: Then: I wanted to take the image and leave the toolbar transparent.     
asked by 01.12.2016 / 14:45

Open an activity with onMarkerClick

I want to open a new activity when I click on the marker, but I click and it is not opening, I did something like this: @Override public boolean onMarkerClick (final Marker marker){ if (marker.equals("Ponto A")){ Intent i = new Int...
asked by 31.12.2016 / 22:21

Error inflating class

This is working correctly on most devices, however on other devices the following error is occurring:   android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line # 16: Error inflating class I've alre...
asked by 15.06.2016 / 04:01

Understanding HttpURLConnection, OutputStream, InputStream, and Buffered Writers requests for MySQL database usage

I'm developing an android application that will have access to a MySQL database using webservice . I saw some tutorials on the net and an English tutorial able to connect and insert data, thus creating a login and registration syste...
asked by 23.06.2016 / 14:49

Ionic 2 - Status Bar

I can not change the color of my Status Bar with Ionic 2. I checked the documentation and am doing the following. app.js import {StatusBar} from 'ionic-native'; app.js (constructor ()) platform.ready().then(() => { StatusBar.overl...
asked by 08.06.2016 / 02:39

PlayerPrefs Unity3D

I'm developing an android game but I'm having a hard time saving the input type. For example in this game the user can choose whether to play on the touch or accelerometer, in unity + remote this exchange works well but when I compile and instal...
asked by 07.06.2016 / 15:30

How to display a parse String in a Textview? [closed]

I'm trying to add an image with a description on the parse server. I have already been able to add the description of the image by objectId , but the problem is that I do not know how to display the text of the image in a textvie...
asked by 19.01.2017 / 19:28