Questions tagged as 'android-adapter'


Recyclerview with JSON parsing

My PHP code generates the following JSON: { "resposta":[ { "cd_servico":"1", "ds_servico":"NOME SERVICO", "ITEMS":[ { "ds_descricao1":"DESCRICAO SERVICO", "ds_descricao2":"DESCRICAO 2",...
asked by 22.02.2018 / 14:40

How to migrate to the new version of Realm

Hello, I have a simple app from my news site, I found it on GitHub some time ago and I edited it. But it did not work on some devices (Android 5.1 up) when it was the fix I discovered that with the latest updates of Android Studio it is no lo...
asked by 15.02.2018 / 16:27

ListView Search

I need to do a search on the data in a listview and make a filter. I looked for some ways to do this, and what seemed to me simpler was to implement Filterable in the 'adapter' and instantiate its methods. But even following the whole...
asked by 09.02.2018 / 00:57

ListView setOnItemClickListener in a fragment

My setOnItemClickListener does not work in the fragment, when I click the listview item in the app to work, I am using a custom adapter, it follows code: public void criarListagem() { List<Curso> cursos = todosOsCursos(); Adapter...
asked by 01.02.2018 / 19:31

Refresh recyclerview from another fragment, in the same viewpager

I have a viewpager that contains 3 fragments, one for transacted transactions, one for canceled transactions and one for open transactions. Each fragment has a recyclerview for displaying the transactions and also, each fragment has a swiperefre...
asked by 02.02.2018 / 17:54

How to use listview or recyclerview?

Good afternoon, I'm trying to set up a purchasing system where I click on a product and it appears on another screen as a selected object.     
asked by 23.01.2018 / 19:20

two listview on the same screen but only one appears after the execution, help

I'm trying to make a screen for an app, where I want a text, a listview and then a text and a listview . I made the codes, but at the time of execution only only the two texts appear and the first listview , the second does no...
asked by 23.11.2017 / 01:21

Change the color of a list according to a certain variable

I'm trying to get my schedule list to have each row with different colors for each category that was set, this list is populated by data retrieved from the firebase going to the template class, I wanted it when this DialogFragment was called to...
asked by 18.10.2017 / 03:36

Change color item - RecyclerView and Firebase

I need to change the color of a LinearLayout, as per a Firebase query. Bank Structure: USUARIOS - ID_USUARIO ---AGENDAMENTOS -----nome: João -----lastview_usuario: "1506816888384" -----timestamp_update: "1506816951405" I am retrieving th...
asked by 01.10.2017 / 21:19

Use SearchView to search a populated model class with firebase

Good evening!   I'm stuck with a problem, in this I have a list of items I get from the firebase, in this list I have visibly 3 attributes of the model class (idAtivity, title and time), so I would like the searchview that I implemented searched...
asked by 26.09.2017 / 02:32