Questions tagged as 'android-adapter'


RecyclerView does not show data

I have a problem that, I try to show the data of a RecyclerView that I get the data on the web (Until then ok), I get the data and when I set the adapter in RecyclerView nothing happens, it follows the code: / p> public class App {...
asked by 19.08.2017 / 03:05

Finding Data in a ListView with ArrayAdapter

I have a listView with JSONTask to fetch from my database everything is Ok. In this listView I have several fields, Card, Tag, Model, Year, etc. I saw some examples on the net but it is for simple search of a single line I tried to put in...
asked by 23.03.2017 / 01:01

Commands below the setAdapter being executed before getView ()

I'm creating some adapters in my application and I've had this doubt in a problem I'm having. I have a type code: public class ActivityCompra extends AppCompatActivity { Adapter a; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle save...
asked by 10.03.2017 / 02:55

The last item in the ListView is always deleted, even deleting an item in the middle of the ArrayList

I have Adapter any, and when I click on an exclude icon, the item of my ArrayList is removed. The problem is that even removing the desired item, ListView is updated, always removing the last element. The curious thing is th...
asked by 24.01.2016 / 17:22

Popular Spinner

In my application I have a method returns a list of clients. How do I make a Spinner popular with only the customer names contained in the List?     
asked by 19.08.2014 / 04:17

Retrieve snapshot within a node

I need to recover all users within a user node, following firebase structure: FormetoretrievethesevaluesI'mmakinganaddListenerForSingleValueEvent,followscode:privateDatabaseReferencefirebaseRef;privateDataSnapshotusuariosSnapshot;firebaseRef...
asked by 07.12.2018 / 12:58

AsyncTask and Adapter for conflicting ListView

I'm creating a chat app using socket and after developing the entire layout I decided to get into the connection part ... the problem is that when I get messages the app closes and it shows some errors ... I went through the debug and it tells m...
asked by 17.11.2018 / 13:43

CardView does not appear

I have a TabLayout , and within one of the tabs a Fragment , which has a RecyclerView , and each item is a CardView . I had just tested this part on a separate project and it worked perfectly, but when I went through t...
asked by 15.11.2018 / 02:14

Search actionbar to filter array of JSON objects

I'm not able to implement a searchview in the actionbar to filter the listview items I get from a JSON. What could I use? UserHomeActivity package com.example.maxmendes.pokemonfindermax; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.As...
asked by 08.10.2018 / 07:51

Retrieve the context of a Class (Model)

I have a model and I want to use the "SharedPreferences" inside it. To instantiate SharedPreferences , I need the context, how do I retrieve this context? public class PostagemCurtida { public Feed feed; public Usuario usuari...
asked by 27.09.2018 / 15:41