Questions tagged as 'ajax'


Jquery - Autocomplete ViaCEP in multiple lines

I'm using ViaServ's WebService to do the street autocomplete in my registration form, however it's a form where 20 lines, each line contains: ZIP + STATE OF THE CONDO when filling in the zip it has to autocomplete the street only referring to th...
asked by 26.10.2018 / 05:35

Full Calendar - SCHUDELLER with C #

I'm trying to popular resurces , to create my calendar, but it is not working, there is no error and I did not display the information, I do not know how to proceed, the data is coming to the screen, follow my code .js !function ($) { "u...
asked by 25.10.2018 / 22:45

How to make Ajax requests in Java [closed]

Good Morning I'm developing a Web application where I need something simple: when the user selects a state in a ComboBox , the system should update another ComboBox with all cities. I'm a .NET programmer and in this model I would use a...
asked by 15.10.2018 / 12:26

Load iframe with PHP and AJAX

I have a site where you can view live video, youtube, facebook and other mechanisms. The client is wanting to make a screen with two divs containing the iframe of the video and another div containing several images with links, where when clic...
asked by 13.10.2018 / 00:24

$ .post does not work

I made a JavaScript code to receive a JSON, but when data arrives at $.post the code stops being processed. I checked that in php the JSON file is populated correctly before being sent to JavaScript, so I believe the problem is in...
asked by 22.10.2018 / 01:22

Error in passing the result of a json array to the html;

I have the following situation, I have a page that gets the name of a city, between São Paulo and Osasco, both the request for the route via Ajax, and the data in json is returning from php to Js, however I have another page called cards.php tha...
asked by 15.10.2018 / 22:03

Success Alert

I have a modal to dial friends, when the user clicks on dial, I call the onclick that makes the request for the controller. I want to send a success message to the user, I have a div with display none and I want to make it visible when POST o...
asked by 10.10.2018 / 19:45

return date ajax does not work with more than 4 indices within json

I made a php that returns a Json with 7 indexes, they are all populated correctly, however I can not use the return (date) in javascript, the script only works if I leave 3 of these indices null in php otherwise the javascript for on return of d...
asked by 19.10.2018 / 20:33

Run Ajax first

The last line of the code below is the first one to be executed, and I need the function containing this ajax to return true or false, but when I put it to return within success, error or complete it does not work. > error: function (response)...
asked by 09.10.2018 / 15:20

How to send string variables as parameter for Ajax call?

The following Ajax call would send to PHP the parameters corresponding to the form that called the function: var foo = "bar"; var bar = "foo"; function register(){ $.ajax({ method: "post", url: "meu_script.php", data: $("#form")...
asked by 26.03.2014 / 18:52